Hitler and his God

Hitler and his God

Hitler and his God

The Background to the Nazi Phenomenon

Hitler remains an enigma in spite of everything that has been written about him. Historians like Alan Bullock, Ian Kershaw and H.R. Trevor-Roper confess their perplexity openly. How was it possible that an unknown, solitary and future-less front-soldier in 1918 became, some years later, the Leader and Messiah of the German people? How could a nullity unleash the most destructive and deadliest war humanity has ever known? Academic historians give countless reasons because the essential reason keeps escaping them; fantasy writers find the most bizarre occult explanations, disregarding the historical facts.

Georges Van Vrekhem has studied the literature in German, English, French, Dutch and Italian for several years. His conclusion is clear: in Hitler there must have been a cause equivalent to the effects of his actions. Van Vrekhem gives a revealing picture of the rise of the unknown Austrian corporal and brings to life the people who helped him in the saddle: Dietrich Eckart, Captain Mayr, General von Mohl, and many others. The author analyses Mein Kampf, the book in which Hitler laid bare his thoughts and intentions without being believed. And he shows how this “man from nowhere”, driven by the obsession of his mission and helped by incredible luck, managed to become the Führer.

To explain the foundations of a people who made Hitler possible, Van Vrekhem undertakes, in the book’s second part, a deep-probing analysis of the historical background. In this he gives a surprisingly clear picture of the German ambition, the racism which supported it, and the romantic youth movements which incorporated the racism. In a memorable chapter he sketches the history of the German Jews. And he shows another side of the German people: their longing for a better world, although vitiated by their sense of superiority.

All this brings Georges Van Vrekhem to his central theme: Hitler’s possession by the “god” who inspired him, guided him, brought him to power – and dropped him when no longer needed. This leads the author, in the third part of the book, to the unexpected but well-documented role of the Indian philosopher and sage Sri Aurobindo in the action against Hitler before and during the Second World War. While Hitler wanted to bring humanity back to a state of barbarism, Sri Aurobindo stood for the progress of humanity and a future in which a new evolutionary being, beyond humanity, might at last create the world humanity has never ceased to long for. In this view of history, many worlds interact and all facts fit into the big picture.

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The Two Sources of Morality and Religion

The Two Sources of Morality and Religion by Henri Bergson

The Two Sources of Morality and Religion

In the spirit of Darwinian evolution, Henri Bergson, with this volume, makes the philosophical argument that morality and religion are the “natural” and necessary products of man’s evolution. With a look which extends back some 2,400 years to the ancient Greek philosophers, Bergson traces the evolution of man’s instinct, intelligence and intuition and shows how necessary their interactions were in the development of human societies, morality and religion and he looks ahead to the shapes they must take if man is to survive himself.

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The Philosophy of Evolution

Philosophy of Evolution by Rod Hemsell

The Philosophy of Evolution

As presented here, The Philosophy of Evolution, is a compendium of lectures presented by Rod Hemsell at the University of Human Unity in Auroville in 2008, 2009 and 2012. The main thrust of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga has always been toward an active participation in the human evolution and this is the defining concept which set Sri Aurobindo and the Mother apart from all others in the very beginning.  With his extensive knowledge of philosophy and numerous philosophers and his familiarity with current science, Rod is able to guide the reader through the development of thought in these disciplines and shows us the place that Sri Aurobindo has staked out for us as the enlightened forerunner he was. These lectures are not a difficult or tedious ascent to airless heights, rather, they are instructive explorations of the broader base camps surrounding the mount; it is left to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to guide us in our ascent. However, with this exploration of the terra firma, we become ever more confident that our guides to the snow capped peaks actually do know whereof they speak.

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Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014 (Finished)

Auro e-Books Webhosting Fundraising Company

Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014

Dear friends,

We invite you to participate in our web hosing fundraising company in order to pay annual renting fee for Auro e-Books website hosting.

Below is details of our server configuration and annual fee.

Krishna (Vladnesh)

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Мать - Шри Ауробиндо


Книга Шри Ауробиндо “Мать”: Вдохновенные слова Шри Ауробиндо о том, каким должно быть истинное отношение садхака Интегральной Йоги – состояние полной и динамической самоотдачи Матери. Шри Ауробиндо описывает тройное психологическое движение устремления, отказа и самоотдачи, условия необходимые для достижения полной веры и искренности. Он также говорит о всесильной Милости Божественной Матери, необходимости завоевания силы денег для работы Матери, и восторге истинного работника совершающего неэгоистичные труды, а также о преодолении требований эго. Последняя часть книги описывает четыре великих силы и индивидуальности Божественной Матери.

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La Madre (Italian)

La Madre Sri Aurobindo

La Madre

Questi illuminanti saggi di Sri Aurobindo formano una potente affermazione ed indicazione sul vero atteggiamento che deve essere adottato da un sadhak dello Yoga Integrale: quello di un completo e dinamico surrender alla Madre. Questi saggi descrivono il triplo movimento di aspirazione, rigetto e surrender, le condizioni fondamentali per una vera fede e sincerità; la forza irresistibile della Grazia della Madre, la necessità di riconquistare la forza-denaro per il lavoro della Madre, e la gioia di essere un Suo perfetto strumento attraverso il lavoro disinteressato, superando le richieste dell’ego. Lo scritto finale descrive i quattro grandi Poteri e Personalità della Madre Divina.

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