Patterns and Connective Referencing
Patterns and Connective Referencing
This is the latest in an ongoing series of essays authored by Ray Morose in which he details the human condition and expounds upon how one can pierce the veils and uncover and live one’s true essence. His sometimes difficult intellectual approach is extremely metaphorical and, much like a koan, stretches the reader’s mind and opens it to new ways of conceptualizing the world in which it finds itself. He employs his own terminology, largely bereft of the labels so common in spirituality, and his language often jars like a wooden wheeled trip on cobblestone roods. In the process, he shakes out the dross and tightens mental structure.
Book Details
Author: Ray Morose
Print Length: 15 (Taken number pages in pdf document)
Publisher: Auro e-Books
Original source:
Contributor: Blindshiva
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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Patterns and Connective Referencing
If you are intent upon seeing through that camouflage an intellectual understanding of the material used in the construction of that subliminally disguised wall is essential. Not what the wall surrounds and so contains, as that various from person to person, but knowing the ‘fabric’ that both forms and holds it in place. And that material only becomes knowable by searching for an experiential connection to the ‘why’ of life. Not trying to understand constructs or beliefs but actual first-hand experiential knowledge of ‘why’ and ‘how’ you exist. When you finally see through the camouflage the binding fabric holding those constructs and beliefs in place become obvious and the wall simply collapses without any effort to destroy it. That effortless disintegration occurs as an inner illumination of the fabric’s structure reveals the wall as a self-created illusionary controlling ‘shadow’ that your newly discovered and released inner ‘light’, by its nature, simply eliminates. Thus, when the bonds or boundaries of that fabric are eliminated what they contained simply evaporate, as there is nothing to ‘hold’ or contain it. Life is then witnessed in an entirely new light.
About the Author

Ray Morose
Most people like to know the historical and/or educational background of people they meet, as it provides information to interrelate or use as a reference to categorize or label. Likewise, most readers enjoy knowing the historical and/or educational background of authors they have read, or consider reading, with the information equally being used to categorize and/or label. However, the books by this author do not easily fit into any compartmentalized classification as they recombine the three major areas of existence: psychology, philosophy, and religion into one making the books difficult to classify. Consequently, the books stand or fall on their content generally free of preemptive labeling.
The author was born, raised, and educated in mid-west Canada. He now lives in Ocean Shores NSW Australia. In-between those early formative years and now he held various governmental funded positions, worked in the commercial field, as well as owned and operated different types of businesses. While those material events progressed from his first employment – three years in the Canadian Air Force – to his last occupation – owning and operating a health food café in Melbourne Australia, the author has continually investigated the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of personal existence. That ongoing investigation covers a span of some forty years, which included a short stay within a Cistercian monastery to exploring various Indian and Tibetan religious traditions in both India and Nepal. Upon retirement Ray began writing about his internal explorations.
The result of those inner explorations resulted in seven books written over a period of twelve years. Only three of those books remain in print: The Mind of Consciousness, The Source-code of Existence, and Experiential Christianity. All earlier books are out-of-print and there is no intention of having them republished as all information they contain is encapsulated within the three remaining books. The content of the books have a developmental progression, which is similar to life. Consequently, the first four books are similar to living through childhood, the teenage years, and early adulthood. The final three books can then be referenced as entering the middle and later mature years, where one is expected to develop experiential intelligence. Thus, the books reflect the author’s lifetime struggle to uncover purpose and meaning for individual existence that culminated in an intellectual structure that can be experientially verified. That verification confirms that another cannot do this internal exploratory work for you. You must do it yourself. Hence, each of the three remaining books provides all the tools for that internal adventure but it is up to the reader to use them. If used correctly you will experience that structure and gain an empirical confirmation that no one can give you. Likewise, you cannot give to another.
If you have a sense of dissatisfaction that never relents or an unquenchable thirst to understand your existence then any one of the last three books will provide an intellectual foundation to understand why that dissatisfaction exists and tools to explore your existence. They also demonstrate how to correctly use those tools and, by doing so, impart a direction to begin your inner journey. Then you are on your own. This is a personal journey to define your existence and confirm your place in the universe and only you can do that work. Although you must take this journey by yourself, if you require support along your chosen pathway, please feel free to email me using the contact form on the website.
With continued effort you will eventually discover an effortlessness within, revealing or unveiling the Living Essence of existence that exists within you. That internal discovery is self-confirming and can never be lost or taken away from you. It is permanent. That new vision unveils that you had it all from the very beginning but your self-created veils artificially concealed what is in plain sight within everyone. Within that newly found effortlessness clarity of insight naturally arises illuminating an innate directional pathway used to forge a self-confirming authenticity for your life.
This may be an unusual author’s page but it is written in this format as the author is but a ‘finger’ pointing at the moon. Hence, the format is constructed in a manner that eliminates any possibility the reader might mistakenly take that ‘finger’ as the moon. Accordingly, the content of the books reveal the dark side of the moon as a self-created world deprived of Light, exposing the shadow-world of existence. However, the same moon also reflects the Sun’s brilliance. Therefore, it is a challenging adventure to learn, and understand, how and why the dark side of the moon exists and so avoid becoming trapped within its shadow. That self-confirming experiential information clears a pathway for you to be in a knowledgeable position to make an informed choice to live in the Sun’s Light. By that choice you reflect that Light to those who live in their own shadow transforming yourself into an evolved and progressive citizen of this planet: thereby, setting the foundations for a life beyond physical existence.
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