A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo by Amrita

A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo
This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale told with honesty and ardor, has all the poignancy of a sensitive young Tamil Brahmin discovering a new way of life.
The Tamil text of the memoir was translated into English soon after it was written, and this translation (titled Old Long Since) was published in 1969 and 1995 as part of larger works. It is now being published for the first time (2015) as an independent book and has been given a new title, A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo. Further details are given in the Note on the Text at the end of the book.
Book Details
Author: Amrita
Print Length: 63 pages
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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- Chapter 1. A Glimpse of Sri Aurobindo
- Chapter 2. The Influence of Subramania Bharati
- Chapter 3. Friendship with Ramaswami Iyengar (Va Ra)
- Chapter 4. Darshan of Sri Aurobindo
- Chapter 5. The House on François Martin Street
- Chapter 6. Preparing for the Matriculation Exam
- Chapter 7. From Darkness to Light
- Chapter 8. Learning English with Sri Aurobindo
- Chapter 9. The Year 1914
- Chapter 10. The Baker Boy
- Chapter 11. A Few Months in Madras
- Chapter 12. The Fate of a Brahmin’s Sliikha
- Chapter 13. Studies in Madras
- Appendix
Book Sample
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo
In our village and all around, four names of four great personages were being continually talked of. It was the time when Independence, Foreign Rule, Slavery were the cries that used to fill the sky. And the four great names that reached our, ears in this connection were Lajpatrai, Tilak, Bipinchandra Pal, (Lal-Bal-Pal) and Aurobindo.
Of these only one name caught my heart and soul. Just to hear the name — Aurobindo — was enough.
All the four persons were pioneers in the service of the country, great leaders of the front rank. Why then did one name only out of the four touch me exclusively? For many days to come the mystery remained to me a mystery.
In 1905 I came to Pondicherry for study. In 1910 Sri Aurobindo also arrived here. What a coincidence! He came to the very town where I had come! I was full of joy, thrilled with delight.
A strong desire arose in me that I must see Sri Aurobindo. He had been there in our town for six months, very few knew of his arrival, but I knew of it on the third day itself. My uncle was engaged in politics arid was in contact with the national workers and leaders. He came to know of the incident on the very day. In fact the number of those who knew could be counted on one’s fingers. The idea gained on me that somehow I must see Aurobindo. Hearing must be translated into vision.