A series of essays written in commemoration of Sri Aurobindo’s passing. The words of Amal Kiran, Udar and K.R.S.Iyengar give us a vast spiritual, psychological and factual perspective of the event, greatly helping us to understand several aspects of the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, the young American scholar Rhoda P. Le Cocq’s account of the last Darshan of the Master and the Mother unveils that aspect of the power of Grace which so smoothly and silently demolishes the wall of scepticism one had maintained around oneself for long. The compilation brings us a serene calm and an intense feeling of gratitude, and reminds us that:
Death is a stair, a door, a stumbling stride
The soul must take to cross from birth to birth,
A grey defeat pregnant with victory,
A whip to lash us towards our deathless state.
Book Details
Author: Nirodbaran, Dr. Prabhat Sanyal, Amal Kiran, Udar Pinto, Pavitra, K.R.S. Iyengar, Rhoda P. Le Cocq
Print Length: 100
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/To-Thee-Our-Infinite-Gratitude-sq250.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2018-12-03 06:51:482019-05-05 02:28:34To Thee Our Infinite Gratitude (Writings on the Passing of Sri Aurobindo)
These thoughts and reminiscences of Nolini Kanta Gupta were written or spoken during the final decade of his life — from the time of the Mother’s passing in November 1973 until shortly before his own passing in February 1984. During that period they served as a source of guidance and consolation to the Ashram community, and they still seem relevant today.
Many of these writings and talks were first presented to the students, young and old, of Nolini-da’s classes. Later they were published in The Advent, a quarterly journal he edited, or in his Collected Works. Details about their publication and a life-sketch of the author are given at the end of the book.
Book Details
Author: Nolini Kanta Gupta
Print Length: 77
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/The-Mother-Abides250sq.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2018-11-18 14:30:352019-05-05 02:28:35The Mother Abides – Final Reflections
This work is a scholarly investigation of the origins and activities of The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. Of particular interest to the followers and admirers of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother is the light this work brings to the life and activities of the mysterious Max Theon, an occultist who had a great influence on The Mother in her early years. The following was taken from the book’s preface:
The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor was an order of practical occultism, active in the last decades of the 19th century. It taught its members how to lead a way of life most favorable to spiritual development, and gave them detailed instructions in how to cultivate occult powers by working on their own. It differed from contemporary movements such as the Theosophical Society (founded 1875), whose teachings (at least after its earliest phase) were philosophical rather than practical, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (founded 1888), whose activities were social and ceremonial.
The “H. B. of L.” (as it was always known) succeeded in enrolling a surprising number of influential people, who carried forward its training and its doctrines into many other esoteric movements of the 20th century. Its private and individual nature, and the mystery that still partially surrounds its Grand Master Max Theon, are among the reasons why it has remained so obscure. Writers on the history of the Theosophical movement dismiss the H. B. of L.; Golden Dawn scholars ignore it. Most of the information available up to now comes from inadequate or untrustworthy sources.
We hope to have remedied the situation with this dossier, which has been compiled from a scholarly point of view and in the interests of intellectual history. Part 1 gives an account of the H. B. of L., its principal characters, its relationship to other groups, and its doctrines. Part 2 presents (where available) the original English texts of the manuscript instructions that were circulated to the membership. Part 3 is a historical dossier, comprising some fifty items that illustrate the changing fortunes of the Brotherhood, its internal affairs, and especially its conflict with the Theosophical Society. With this material now made available, the importance of the H. B. of L. will no longer be in question, and future studies of it can be conducted on a firm documentary basis.
Book Details
Author: Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Chanel, John P. Deveney
Print Length: 478
Publisher: Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Original source: http://www.kheper.net/topics/Hermeticism/HBoL.html
Contributor: Blindshiva
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/hermetic-brotherhood-250sq3.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2018-11-03 07:25:562019-05-05 02:55:30The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor
A. S. Dalal, a philosopher, psychotherapist, long-time devotee of Sri Aurobindo and inmate of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, provides here an in depth investigation and discussion of the similarities and differences between the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo. Although nearly one-hundred years separate these two great spiritual teachers, who come out of disparate disciplines (Buddhist and Hindu), the author discovers an underling essence and truth which deepens and strengthens his own spiritual convictions and understandings. Through out his long life, the author has been exposed to multiple disciplines and the process of exploring Eckhart has brought him new insights and a greater integration that comes only when one expands beyond the narrow confines of the mind which can and too often do grow around any single discipline. This book provides a great opportunity for any seeker to push the limits of his own understanding and to reinvigorate his own quest.
Book Details
Author: A. S. Dalal
Print Length: 172
Publisher: Stone Hill Foundation
Contributors: Blindshiva
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ekhart-tolle-and-sri-aurobindo-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2018-09-23 09:28:262023-01-19 19:56:29Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo by A. S. Dalal
The essays on this book are the notes from the e – learning courses that were given by the thinker Alexis Karpouzos during the winter of 2014. Students studying in London, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris took part in the courses, which were held by the educational and cultural center “Think Lab”, located in Athens.
The central teaching of mysticism is that Everything is One, whereas from the side of rationalism the universe is Multiple. The essence of the mystical tradition is not a particular philosophical system, but the simple realization that the soul of any individual/existence is identified with the Absolute. A special feature of the mysticism is the elimination of discriminations, i.e. the One and the Multiple are identical.On the other hand, in rationalism the One and the Multiple differ substantially. Mysticism aims at the Emptiness of Zero, whereas rationalism aims at the identification with the Infinite of Everything. Based on the ontology resulting from modern physics the One is also the Multiple and the Multiplicity is also a Module, also the Void and the Everything are complementary aspects of a single and indivisible reality. This means that mysticism and rationalism are the two sides of a Cosmic Thought, which isexpressed through consciousness. We could say that this consciousness is the rhythm that coordinates any opposite.
Book Details
Print Length: 36
Publisher: PublishDrive
Book format: Pdf
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Universal-Consciousness250.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2018-09-10 18:13:022019-07-21 06:06:12Universal Consciousness by Alexis Karpouzos
A unique biography of Sri Aurobindo, which was written by Rishabhchand Samsukha in response to a request from The Mother, reviewed chapter by chapter by Nolini da, and translated by Andre Morisset for its bilingual publication at the Bulletin over the period of 10 years starting in 1960. The book focuses on early and political life leading up to the formation of the Ashram.
Regarding the works of Rishabhchand, the publisher’s note states: “One cannot fail to perceive in them an unusual harmony of the intellect’s clear thinking, intuition’s deep penetration and the spirit’s permeating suffusion. They stand out impressively against the background of innate humility and colour gracefully the flow of his style and language.”
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/SA-His-Life-Unique250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2018-09-08 11:06:272019-05-05 02:28:36Sri Aurobindo His Life Unique by Rishabhchand
The book “My Friend and Master” is a personal account of Sri Aurobindo’s pre-Ashram days told by C.C.Dutt, who had been a revolutionary comrade and later became a spiritual disciple of Sri Aurobindo in his ashram. C.C. Dutt’s memoir carries the unmistakable direct presence of the Guide and Master and vivid experience that can only occur in the immediate closeness to the Guru. It will be of a great interest to all those who have been guided on their spiritual paths by Sri Aurobindo’s words and presence. C.C. Dutt’s memoir “My Friend and Master” was originally published in “Sri Aurobindo Circle” Eighth Number, 1952
Book Details
Author: C.C. Dutt
Print Length: 34
Publisher: Auro e-Books
Original source: http://auromaa.org/my-friend-and-my-master-charu-chandra-dutt-part-2/
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CC-Dutt-My-Friend-and-Master250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2018-08-12 07:15:592023-10-09 01:08:01My Friend and Master by C.C. Dutt
This is the fourth volume of the English of Savitri series based on transcripts of classes led by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from October 8, 2015 to June 6, 2016. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the course. This volume contains a summary of the two cantos of Book Nine of Sri Aurobindo’s epic Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol, followed by detailed explanations of the four Cantos of Book Ten, The Book of the Double Twilight. Each sentence is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence structure and imagery. The aim is to assist a deeper understanding and appreciation of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/sh-3-250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2018-07-29 09:19:092023-12-10 11:41:55The English of Savitri Volume 4
Who were India’s foremost thinkers? What systems did they establish? What problems have agitated the minds of India’s philosophers, intellectuals and mystics? Tersely and in pleasing style Dr. Bernard has answered these questions satisfactorily alike to the layman and the special student of India and her philosophic life without effecting a compromise with Western philosophy and its narrow categories. Moreover, the important Kashmir Shaivism, so long omitted from works on Indian Philosophy, has at last been given its due here. In a sense, a major portion of the book is also dictionary―a dictionary of Sanskrit philosophical terms, arranged alphabetically, explained as to grammatical construction or composition, and defined, often with the emphasis on special meanings within the different types of philosophy.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Theos-Bernard-Hindu-Philosophy-250sq.jpg.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2018-07-16 16:56:572019-05-05 02:05:21Hindu Philosophy by Theos Bernard