Two new upcoming Henri Bergson books
Henri Bergson Books
As a follow-on to our latest publications, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Evolution, both by Rod Hemsel, Auro e-Books is currently putting the finishing touches on two more publications from the realm of philosophy. In fact, it was Rod’s frequent mention of the work of Henri Bergson which lead us to consider publishing two of Bergson’s books. Creative Evolution and The Two Sources of Morality and Religion are the latest (1907 and 1932 respectively) of Bergson’s four most highly regarded works and tie-in very nicely with the two lecture series by Rod. While most of us may wax philosophical from time to time, very very few of us pursue the complete coherence of thought and understanding to which the great philosophers aspire. It is not our intention here to promote any specific system of thought; rather, it is our conviction that any endeavor to follow the thought processes of great thinkers can only result in an expansion of our own horizons and possibly even some strengthening, straightening and re-organizing of our own thought processes.