More Answers from the Mother (CWM Vol.17)

Words of the Mother – II

Collected Works of the Mother Volume 17

This volume contains the Mother’s correspondence with six members of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. The material covers a thirty-five year period, from 1932 to 1968. All the correspondences are presented in chronological order. Two of them were written in English; four were written wholly or partly in French and appear here in translation. Further information is given in the Note on the Texts.

Book Details

Author: The Mother

Print Length: 421 pages

Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English

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  • Series One (1931 – 1949). To a young disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1930 at the age of thirteen. After eight years of study he took up work, first on the construction of Golconde (an Ashram residential quarters) as a carpentry supervisor and then in the Granary and Dining Room. In 1945 he became a teacher in the newly-opened Ashram school and worked in the Reception Service until his passing in 1993. The disciple started writing to the Mother at the age of fifteen.
  • Series Two (1937 – 1941). To a Frenchwoman who came to live at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1937, at the age of sixty-six.
  • Series Three (1938 – 1971). To a disciple who is identified in the text simply by his initial, R. Raised in Gurukul Kangri in Uttar Pradesh, the disciple joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in July 1938, at the age of twenty-one, and remained until his passing in 2002.
  • Series Four (1942 – 1970). To a disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1931 at the age of thirty-one. He worked in the Building Service until the mid 1940s and then became head of the Furniture Service, which he managed up to his passing in 1970.
  • Series Five (1960 – 1973). To a disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1944 at the age of eight. She worked for almost thirty years in the Ashram’s Department of Physical Education, becoming one of its first captains at the age of eleven.
  • Series Six (1961 – 1968). To a disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1939 at the age of twenty-one. He worked first as an assistant to an Ashram secretary and then supervised the management of several guest-houses. He was a writer, a lecturer and the editor of three journals until his passing in 1993.

Book Sample

More Answers from the Mother

Series One

To a young disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1930 at the age of thirteen. After eight years of study he took up work, first on the construction of Golconde (an Ashram residential quarters) as a carpentry supervisor and then in the Granary and Dining Room. In 1945 he became a teacher in the newly-opened Ashram school and worked in the Reception Service until his passing in 1993. The disciple started writing to the Mother at the age of fifteen.

When I sleep at noon I am not conscious; if there is any noise I don’t hear it. But at night when I sleep, I am sometimes conscious and can hear nearly everything.

Is it all right not to sleep at night?

No, it is not all right not to sleep. It is necessary to sleep very quietly and well. Besides, this does not prevent you, when you dream, from being conscious of your dreams. What is it that prevents you from sleeping?

You must tell me everything very sincerely and without fear. Telling me everything very frankly brings you closer to me.

8 December 1932

Mother, I don’t know the significance of animals. For example, the lion…


the deer…

Swiftness of movement.

the swan…

The soul.


Some birds have a meaning, but it is not one and the same for all birds.

23 December 1932

I want to know the significance of the elephant whose picture you sent me today, and also of the parrot.

The parrot signifies “fluency of speech” and the elephant “strength”.

25 December 1932

The dog on the envelope means: obedience.

31 December 1932

What is the significance of the picture you sent me this morning?

It is a seal — a very clever animal that can be taught all sorts of tricks, even juggling.

3 January 1933

What does the peacock signify?


5 January 1933

What is the significance of the picture of the rabbit you sent me today?

It is not a rabbit, it is a hare and the hare means “prudence”.

6 January 1933

Cathegory “The Mother”


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The Mother Mirra Alfassa
Sri Aurobindo Ashram