Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s Plans for Founding Auroville by Loretta Shartsis (Chinese-English)

Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s Plans
for Founding Auroville (Chinese-English)
本文内容整理自黎明之城居民洛雷塔(Loretta Shartsis)向“过渡学校(Transition School)”的孩子们做的一次分享。她在这次分享中谈到母亲和室利 · 阿罗频多是如何开创黎明之城的。
This is a talk by Aurovilian Loretta Shartsis to the children of Transition School, in which she talked about Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s plans for founding Auroville.
Book Details
作者/Author: Loretta Shartsis;
中文翻译/Chinese translation:清宁(Anandi Zhang);
校对Proofread by:艾千又(Ai Qianyou), 刘丽君(Liu Lijun)、石思宇(Nancy Shi)
Print Length: 60
Book format: Pdf
Language: Chinese and English
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Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s Plans
for Founding Auroville
Someone kept asking Mother to tell them what Truth is and how to know Truth. Sri Aurobindo told Mother, “The truth cannot be put into words, but it can be lived if one is pure and plastic enough”, and these words came to Mother, “That is why there is an Auroville. Auroville is the effort towards peace in sincerity and truth.”