New Correspondences of the Mother – II

New Correspondences of the Mother – II
This book contains the Mother’s correspondence with nine disciples, all of them members of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Each correspondence is presented in chronological order, with the question or comment of the disciple provided whenever possible. A brief life sketch of each disciple appears at the beginning of his or her correspondence.
The reader should note that the word “new” does not mean “published here for the first time”, but rather “not published in the Collected Works of the Mother and therefore new to most of its readers”. The Collected Works was organised and published around 1978, at the time of the Mother’s centenary. More than forty years have passed since then and a number of new correspondences have come to light, including those in this book. Five are being published here for the first time. The remaining four have been published in books or in the Ashram’s quarterly journal Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education or in both.
The nine correspondences in this book supplement those published in Collected Works Volumes 16 and 17.
Book Details
Author: The Mother
Print Length: 590
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, mobi (Kindle)
Language: English
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- Series One. Amrita. (1919-1955)
- Series Two. Amal Kiran. (1930-1970)
- Series Three. Sanjiban. (1933-1941)
- Series Four. Kirankumari. (1938-1942)
- Series Five. Jagannath. (1946-1950)
- Series Six. Debou. (1948-1968)
- Series Seven. Madanlal. (1954-1973)
- Series Eight. Gautam Chawalla. (1953-1968)
- Series Nine. Shyam Sundar. (1966-1970)
New Correspondences of the Mother – II
Series One. Correspondence with Amrita
Originally named Aravamudachari Ayengar, Amrita was born on 19 September 1895 in the village of Kazhiperampakkam, Tamil Nadu, fifteen kilometers from Pondicherry. When he was ten, he moved to Pondicherry for his education. Three years later, he saw Sri Aurobindo for the first time. From then on, he became a regular visitor at Sri Aurobindo’s house until 1915, when he left for Madras to complete his higher studies.
Amrita returned to Pondicherry in April 1919 to live permanently with Sri Aurobindo. Soon after the Ashram was formed in November 1926, Amrita became its general manager. In 1954, he was appointed a member of the first Ashram Trust board. For fifty years, from 1919 until his passing on 31 January 1969, he gave himself in service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Amrita’s correspondence with the Mother revolves around his work. As the Ashram manager, he discharged a remarkable range of duties. Every day he sent reports to the Mother, describing his activities and pointing out any problems. Through her replies she guided Amrita with clarity and firmness. On his part he served her faithfully to the best of his ability. The correspondence reveals his dedication to the Mother and her role as an administrator skilled in dealing with practical affairs.
This correspondence covers the period from 1919 to 1955, but most of the exchanges took place between 1928 and 1936. The correspondence is largely in English, but a considerable number of entries are in French and appear here in translation.
(Letter of the Mother from Japan in 1919)
My dear Amrita
We remember you very well indeed, and were most happy to receive your kind letter and also the photographs. These are simply splendid, especially the one standing. The expression is wonderful, and all our friends here, to whom we showed it, are enthusiastic. We will have it published in a magazine.
We are eagerly expecting A.G.’s[1] letter. But meanwhile we lose no time in making the last arrangements for our departure. Before leaving Japan we wish to establish the regular cargo service between Japan and Pondicherry of which you have heard already through Saurin, I suppose. It is this important matter, not yet settled, which prevents us from at once fixing the date of our departure. But we are hurrying as much as we can.
We are glad to hear that you are back in Pondicherry, near the Master, and managing the Arya during Saurin’s absence. It is with great pleasure that we shall meet you once more.
Will you please present to A.G. the enclosed photographs with our most loving greetings.
Very sincerely
Mirra P. Richard
7 November 1919
[1] A.G. = Aurobindo Ghose. Sri Aurobindo was known as “A.G.” up till the end of 1926.