Shri Krishnarvind (Gujarati)

Shri Krishnarvind
The book relates to experiences of Sri Aurobindo right from Ailpore Jail till the Mother’s Darshan on 29th Feb-1960, the first anniversary of Supramental Manifestation. The workings of Sri Krishna’s consciousness in Sri Aurobindo which was clearly described by Sri Aurobindo in His Works. The Mother too was in contact with Sri Krishna and was having an intimate & special relation with him. Descent of Sri Krishna’s consciousness into physical on 24th Nov 1926 is a proof of Sri Krishna’s active and dynamic participation in Earth evolution through Integral-Yoga. The book covers only important experiences/realisations of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and more so subtle things happening during their sadhana with the help of Sri Krishna. Adoration/Bhakti towards Sri Krishna by the people at large will surely be attracted to Integral yoga if teachings of Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo can be synthesized. This is an attempt in that direction.
Book Details
Author: Kamlesh Mandavia ‘Shyam’
Print Length: 42
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
Book Download
- Events in Alipore Jail
- Experience of Narayan-Chetna
- “Preliminary or Preparatory” Work
- Why Pondicherry?
- Mother Joined the Ashrama
- Sri Aurobindo’s Silent Help Before This Descent
- Feeling of Descent of Higher Consciousness
- Mother Asked All Disciples to Assemble
- Deep Silence in the Atmosphere
- Expectation Rose in a Flood
- Blessings by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo
- Datta’s Inspiration
- Krishna: Guide of Integral Yoga
- What is the Significance of 24th Nov.
- Mother’s Work During 1926
- The Facts of Realisation of 1926
- Important for the Creation
- Mother’s Experience on 24th Nov 1926
- Sri Aurobindo’s Experience
- Krishna is Preparing for the Descent of Supermind
- Krishna : Not Incompatible With This Yoga
- Sri Aurobindo’s Light: Whitish Blue
- Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo
- Mother’s Relations With Krishna
- Krishna On 1st Anniversary of Supramental Manifestation
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