The Mother: Past-Present-Future by Amal Kiran

The Mother: Past-Present-Future
A collection of articles which bear upon the Mother’s life and work, her spiritual achievements, and the event of her passing by Sethna, K.D. (Amal Kiran). These writings, which bear upon the Mother’s life and work, her spiritual achievements, and the event of her passing, convey a sense of her momentous mission for the earth and humanity. They evoke the constant touch of her presence felt by her spiritual children and “the bright surmise inspired for the future by the feeling that her great and gracious labour is endless”. Also included are records of talks with her and reminiscences.
Book Details
Author: Sethna, K.D. (Amal Kiran)
Print Length: 186 pages
Publisher: Mother India
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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The Mother
- The Passing of the Mother
- O Silent Love…
- The Mother’s Victory
- The Mother — Warrior of the Supermind
- Prospects of the Physical Transformation
- November 17,1974
- Some Memories of the Mother
- Some Letters of the Mother
- Some Diary Notes
An Interview with the Mother about the Return of Sri Aurobindo - An Interview with the Mother about an Extraordinary Death
- Physical Pain — The Turn of the Consciousness — The Victory of the Divine’s Truth
- “The Mother of Dreams”
- Sri Aurobindo’s Work and the Way to Its Fulfilment
Book Sample
The Mother: Past-Present-Future
Some General Truths and Personal Facts
The One whom we call the Supreme is the utter Unmanifest. The creative Conscious Force of the Supreme is the Divine Mother in Her transcendent poise, Aditi, holding the Truths that have to be manifested out of the absolute Mystery. Through the transcendent Mother and by Her creativity the whole universe has taken birth. And when the Supreme manifests in the world His own personal being, He does it also through Her transcendence. In Her universal aspect She is Mahashakti. All the Gods and Goddesses are of Her making — they are but powers that express Her.
There are many powers of the universal Mother which are not yet made manifest to us, and many universes too which are still in the Unmanifest and which the Divine Mother can create. What has been created is just one system of possibilities out of the innumerable that She and the Supreme can realise.
Time and again this Divine Creatrix takes a direct hand in the workings of the world. Through individual forms She manifests some ray of Herself: being Supernature, the truth of all that Nature here strives to express, She makes one aspect or another of Her light descend in all the ages of history and, when the hour is ripe, even a full individual embodiment can come forth.
It is such an embodiment, amidst a world of human beings, that Sri Aurobindo set before us when, on November 24, 1926, he charged with the care of his Ashram the radiant personality whom he called the Mother and into whose shaping hands he asked us to put ourselves as her children.