The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts

The Nature of Personal Reality
In this perennial bestseller, Seth challenges our assumptions about the nature of reality. He explains how the conscious mind directs unconscious activity and has at its command all the powers of the inner self. Included are excellent exercises for applying these theories to any life situation.
Book Details
Author: Jane Roberts
Print Length: 468
Publisher: Jane Roberts
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Submitted by: Website Visitor
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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- Chapter 1: The Living Picture of the World
- Chapter 2: Reality and Personal Beliefs
- Chapter 3: Suggestion, Telepathy, and the Grouping of Beliefs
- Chapter 4: Your Imagination and Your Beliefs, and a Few Words About the Origin of Your Beliefs
- Chapter 5: The Constant Creation of the Physical Body
- Chapter 6: The Body of Your Beliefs, and the Power Structures of Beliefs
- Chapter 7: The Living Flesh
- Chapter 8: Health, Good and Bad Thoughts, and the Birth of “Demons”
- Chapter 9: Natural Grace, the Framework of Creativity, and the Health of Your Body and Mind. The Birth of Conscience
- Chapter 10: The Nature of Spontaneous Illumination, and the Nature of Enforced Illumination. The Soul in Chemical Clothes
- Chapter 11: The Conscious Mind as the Carrier of Beliefs. Your Beliefs in Relation to Health and Satisfaction
- Chapter 12: Grace, Conscience, and Your Daily Experience
- Chapter 13: Good and Evil, Personal and Mass Beliefs, and Their Effect Upon Your Private and Social Experience
- Chapter 14: Which You? Which World? Your Daily Reality as the Expression of Specific Probable Events
- Chapter 15: Which You? Which World? Only You Can Answer. How to Free Yourself From Limitations
- Chapter 16: Natural Hypnosis: A Trance Is a Trance Is a Trance
- Chapter 17: Natural Hypnosis, Healing, and the Transference of Physical Symptoms Into Other Levels of Activity
- Chapter 18: Inner Storms and Outer Storms. Creative “Destruction.” The Length of the Day and the Natural Reach of a Biologically Based Consciousness
- Chapter 19: The Concentration of Energy, Beliefs, and the Present Point of Power
- Chapter 20: The Dream Landscape, the Physical World, Probabilities, and Your Daily Experience
- Chapter 21: Affirmation, Love, Acceptance, and Denial
- Chapter 22: Affirmation, the Practical Betterment of Your Life, and the New Structuring of Beliefs
The Nature of Personal Reality
The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to you is like a three-dimensional painting in which each individual takes a hand. Each color, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, and only then does it materialize without.
In this case, however, the artists themselves are a portion of the painting, and appear within it. There is no effect in the exterior world that does not spring from an inner source. There is no motion that does not first occur within the mind.
The great creativity of consciousness is your heritage. It does not belong to mankind alone, however. Each living being possesses it, and the living world consists of a spontaneous cooperation that exists between the smallest and the highest, the greatest and the lowly, between the atoms and the molecules and the conscious, reasoning mind.
All manner of insects, birds and beasts cooperate in this venture, producing the natural environment. This is as normal and inevitable as the fact that your breath causes a mist to form on glass if you breathe upon it. All consciousness creates the world, rising out of feeling-tone. It is a natural product of what your consciousness is. Feelings and emotions emerge into reality in certain specific ways. Thoughts appear, growing on the bed already laid. The seasons spring up, formed by ancient feeling-tones, having deep and abiding rhythms. They are the result, again, of innate creative aspects that are a portion of all life.
These ancient aspects lie, now, deeply buried in the psyches of all species, and from them the individual patterns, the specific blueprints for new differentiations, emerge.
(9:29. Intently:) The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind (whichever term you prefer). Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind.
The inner world of each man and woman is connected with the inner world of the earth. The spirit becomes flesh. Part of each individual’s soul, then, is intimately connected with what we will call the world’s soul, or the soul of the earth.
The smallest blade of grass, or flower, is aware of this connection, and without reasoning comprehends its position, its uniqueness and its source of vitality. The atoms and molecules that compose all objects, whether it be the body of a person, a table, a stone or a frog, know the great passive thrust of creativity that lies beneath their own existence, and upon which their individuality floats, distinct, clear and unassailable.
So does the human individual rise up in victorious distinctiveness from the ancient and yet ever-new fountains of its own soul. The self rises from unknowing into knowing, constantly surprising itself. As you read these sentences, for example, some of your knowledge is conscious knowing and is instantly available. Some is unconscious, but even the unconscious knowledge is knowing in its own unknowing.
You always know what you are doing, even when you do not realize it. Your eye knows it sees, though it cannot see itself except through the use of reflection. In the same way the world as you see it is a reflection of what you are, a reflection not in glass but in three dimensional reality.
You project your thoughts, feelings, and expectations outward, then you perceive them as the outside reality. When it seems to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections.
Now you may take a break.
About Author: Jane Roberts
Dorothy Jane Roberts (May 8, 1929 – September 5, 1984) was an American author, poet, self-proclaimed psychic, and spirit medium, who claimed to channel an energy personality who called himself “Seth.” Her publication of the Seth texts, known as the Seth Material, established her as one of the preeminent figures in the world of paranormal phenomena. The Yale University Library Manuscripts and Archives maintains a collection entitled Jane Roberts Papers (MS 1090), which documents the career and personal life of Jane Roberts. Besides writing poetry, short stories, children’s literature, novels, and metaphysics, her enormously popular non-fiction includes: Seth Speaks, The Seth Material, The Nature of Personal Reality, Nature of the Psyche, and Adventures in Consciousness.
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