走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville

The Spirit of Auroville
英文内容和图片、小标题、排版:Olivier Barot
中文翻译:清宁 校对:倪慧
You say that Auroville is a dream. Yes, it is a “dream” of the Lord and generally, these “dreams” turn out to be true, much more true than the human so-called realities!
Texts in this book are selected from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. You can read the book while visiting the exhibition “The Spirit of Auroville” by following the serial numbers marked at the bottom of the exhibition panels. Exhibition Venue: Auroville Visitor’s Centre, next to the Information office.
Book Details
Author: the Mother
English text and picture selection: Olivier Barot
Chinese translation: Anandi Zhang
Proofreading: Ni Hui
Print Length: 64 pages
Book format: PDF
Language: English & Chinese
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1、黎明之城约章 Auroville Charter
I 业瑜伽 Karma Yoga
2、服务于至上神性的工作者 The Divine Worker
3、迈向真理 Towards the Truth
4、业瑜伽 Karma Yoga
5、服务于神 At the Service of the Divine
II 永续教育 Unending Education
6、生活的科学 The Science of Living
7、永续教育 Unending Education
8、在欢乐中绽放 Blossoming in Joy
9、青春不老 A Youth that Never Ages
III 新世界的摇篮 The Cradle of a New World
10、神之国度 A Kingdom of God
11、连结过去和未来的桥梁 A Bridge Between the Past and the Future
12、新世界的摇篮 The Cradle of a New World
13、一个加速进化的中心 A Centre of Accelerated Evolution
IV 人类大同 Human Unity
14、和平与和谐 Peace and Harmony
15、有效的人类团结 An Effective Human Unity
16、两种倾向 The Two Tendencies
17、真正的黎明之城精神 The True Spirit of Auroville
18、黎明之城标识Symbol of Auroville
19、一个愿景 A Dream
20、黎明之城星系市镇规划图 The Auroville Galaxy
21、黎明之城历史简介 Auroville Brief History
22、黎明之城项目 Programme
23、组织 Organisation
24、做一个真正的黎明之城居民 To Be a True Aurovilian
代表黎明之城的花卉 Auroville’s Flower
参考资料 References
Book Sample
走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville
6、生活的科学 The Science of Living
To know oneself and to control oneself
An aimless life is always a miserable life.
Every one of you should have an aim. But do not forget that on the quality of your aim will depend the quality of your life.
Your aim should be high and wide, generous and disinterested; this will make your life precious to yourself and to others.
But whatever your ideal, it cannot be perfectly realised unless you have realised perfection in yourself.
Collected Works of the Mother, volume 12, p. 3