Words of the Mother – III (CWM Vol.15)
Words of the Mother – III
Collected Works of the Mother Volume 15
This volume is divided into two parts, the first part containing writings, the second part, conversations.
Part One consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the early 1930s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. There are also a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication. These reports are identified by the symbol § placed at the end.
Part Two consists of thirty-two conversations not included elsewhere in the Collected Works. The first six conversations are the earliest recorded conversations of the 1950s’ period. About three-fourths of these conversations were spoken in French and appear here in English translation.
Book Details
Author: The Mother
Print Length: 430 pages
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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Part One. Letters, Messages and Other Short Written Statements
- The Divine and the Universe
- Nature and the Forces of Nature
- The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces
- Religion and Occultism
- Morality and War
- Wealth and Government
- Past, Present and Future
- Progress and Perfection
- Transformation and the Supramental
- Death and Rebirth
- Sleep and Dreams
- Illness and Health
- Messages
- Prayers
- Sadhana and Life
- Personal Advice
- Admonitions
- Practical Affairs
- Experiences of the Mother
Part Two. Conversations
- 30 December 1950. Destiny and Determinism
- 6 January 1951. An Integral Transformation, Absolute Sincerity
- 18 January 1951. The Psychic Being, the Vital and the Physical, Methods of Spiritual Practice, The Psychic Being and the Truth
- 22 January 1951. The Functions of the Mind, Understand the Other’s Point of View
- 30 January 1951. Faith, Sincerity and Surrender, The Invisible Worlds, Vital and Psychic Emotion
- 1 February 1951. Dreams and Sleep
- 12 November 1952. The Steps of the Soul
- 5 February 1956. Two Categories of Suffering
- 1958 (1). Memory of Past Lives
- 1958 (2). Inner Realisation Is the Key to Outer Realisation
- 30 May 1958. The Anti-Divine
- 19 July 1958. Eating the Fruit
- 21 July 1958. Do Not Waste Energy
- (July?) 1958. Mental Formulation of Experience
- (July?) 1958. The Sense of Beauty
- 10 October 1958. The Worship of the Supreme in Matter
- 4 November 1958. The Gods and Their Worlds
- 8 November 1958. Experience of 5 November 1958
- 15 November 1958. Experience of 13 November 1958
- 22 November 1958. Karma
- January 1960. Stories about the Saints
- Undated: Before February 1960. The True Reason
- 4 June 1960. Better Sleep
- 18 July 1960. Old Talks and the Things of Today
- 18 July 1961. The Supramental Creation
- 3 April 1962. Experience on the Night of 2 April 1962
- 13 April 1962. Experience on the Night of 12 April 1962
- 7 September 1963. Dialogue with a Materialist
- 24 December 1966. To Choose the Truth
- 11 May 1967. Unconditional Surrender
- 15 August 1967. Experience of 15 August 1967
- 25 May 1970. Go Beyond Politics
Book Sample
Words of the Mother – III
The Divine and the Universe
It is He, the perfect spirit who fills all. The perfect spirit fills all.
It is He who fills all.
Who is He? The perfect spirit.
It is He, the perfect spirit who fills all.
It is the Lord who sets all in motion from the depths of the being;
it is His will that directs, His force that acts.
18 September 1954
At the service of the Divine we are; it is the Divine who decides, ordains and puts in motion, directs and accomplishes the action.
25 December 1954
Who has made the Divine?
August 1966
How long did it take to plan the universe? Who was there to execute it?
Nothing in advance. Everything immediately, directly, spontaneously, without any intermediary. The intervention of intermediaries has mostly complicated matters rather than simplified. A rather long story to tell.
* * *
What is Consciousness?
When the Lord becomes conscious of Himself, the world is created.
Consciousness is the breath that gives life to all.
Sweet Mother, please tell me the meaning of “consciousness”.
Without consciousness you would not even know that you live.
Consciousness is the faculty of becoming aware of anything through identification.
The Divine Consciousness is not only aware but knows and effects. To become aware of a vibration, for instance, does not mean that you know everything about it.
In the Divine Consciousness the smallest things from below unite with the highest, the most sublime from above.
3 July 1954
* * *
Does the Divine exist in all things, even in the dustbin?
The whole universe is the manifestation of the Divine, but a manifestation which begins with a total unconsciousness of its origin and rises little by little towards this consciousness.
Do not forget even for a moment that all this has been created by Him out of Himself. Not only is He present in everything, but also He is everything. The differences are only in expression and manifestation.
If you forget this you lose everything.§
There is no end to the wonders of the universe.
The more we get free from the limits of our small ego, the more these wonders disclose themselves to us.
The Lord will possess His universe perfectly only when the universe will have become the Lord.