The Philosophy of Evolution

Philosophy of Evolution by Rod Hemsell

The Philosophy of Evolution

As presented here, The Philosophy of Evolution, is a compendium of lectures presented by Rod Hemsell at the University of Human Unity in Auroville in 2008, 2009 and 2012. The main thrust of Sri Aurobindo’s yoga has always been toward an active participation in the human evolution and this is the defining concept which set Sri Aurobindo and the Mother apart from all others in the very beginning.  With his extensive knowledge of philosophy and numerous philosophers and his familiarity with current science, Rod is able to guide the reader through the development of thought in these disciplines and shows us the place that Sri Aurobindo has staked out for us as the enlightened forerunner he was. These lectures are not a difficult or tedious ascent to airless heights, rather, they are instructive explorations of the broader base camps surrounding the mount; it is left to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to guide us in our ascent. However, with this exploration of the terra firma, we become ever more confident that our guides to the snow capped peaks actually do know whereof they speak.

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Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014 (Finished)

Auro e-Books Webhosting Fundraising Company

Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014

Dear friends,

We invite you to participate in our web hosing fundraising company in order to pay annual renting fee for Auro e-Books website hosting.

Below is details of our server configuration and annual fee.

Krishna (Vladnesh)

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Мать - Шри Ауробиндо


Книга Шри Ауробиндо “Мать”: Вдохновенные слова Шри Ауробиндо о том, каким должно быть истинное отношение садхака Интегральной Йоги – состояние полной и динамической самоотдачи Матери. Шри Ауробиндо описывает тройное психологическое движение устремления, отказа и самоотдачи, условия необходимые для достижения полной веры и искренности. Он также говорит о всесильной Милости Божественной Матери, необходимости завоевания силы денег для работы Матери, и восторге истинного работника совершающего неэгоистичные труды, а также о преодолении требований эго. Последняя часть книги описывает четыре великих силы и индивидуальности Божественной Матери.

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La Madre (Italian)

La Madre Sri Aurobindo

La Madre

Questi illuminanti saggi di Sri Aurobindo formano una potente affermazione ed indicazione sul vero atteggiamento che deve essere adottato da un sadhak dello Yoga Integrale: quello di un completo e dinamico surrender alla Madre. Questi saggi descrivono il triplo movimento di aspirazione, rigetto e surrender, le condizioni fondamentali per una vera fede e sincerità; la forza irresistibile della Grazia della Madre, la necessità di riconquistare la forza-denaro per il lavoro della Madre, e la gioia di essere un Suo perfetto strumento attraverso il lavoro disinteressato, superando le richieste dell’ego. Lo scritto finale descrive i quattro grandi Poteri e Personalità della Madre Divina.

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Creative Evolution

Creative Evolution by Henri Bergson

Creative Evolution

Philosophers are thinkers of a different order than ordinary folks and Henri Bergson is no exception to that rule. In the spirit of, and yet not in lock step with, Darwinian evolutionism, Bergson makes here his philosophical argument for a continuous, creative evolution. Invoking the ancient philosophers, drawing on metaphysical precepts and enlisting the aid of an interested Nature, Bergson describes a view of evolution which would be summarily rejected by the pure materialist camp. Although the language is somewhat quaint, being translated from the French of 100 years ago, and not altogether easy to read, the reader is ultimately lead to conclude that Bergson’s intuition has indeed taken him to a perch that gives him a broader view of our reality.

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Two new upcoming Henri Bergson books

Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson Books

As a follow-on to our latest publications, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Evolution, both by Rod Hemsel, Auro e-Books is currently putting the finishing touches on two more publications from the realm of philosophy. In fact, it was Rod’s frequent mention of the work of Henri Bergson which lead us to consider publishing two of Bergson’s books. Creative Evolution and The Two Sources of Morality and Religion are the latest (1907 and 1932 respectively) of Bergson’s four most highly regarded works and tie-in very nicely with the two lecture series by Rod. While most of us may wax philosophical from time to time, very very few of us pursue the complete coherence of thought and understanding to which the great philosophers aspire. It is not our intention here to promote any specific system of thought; rather, it is our conviction that any endeavor to follow the thought processes of great thinkers can only result in an expansion of our own horizons and possibly even some strengthening, straightening and re-organizing of our own thought processes.

La Madre por Sri Aurobindo (eBook Español)

The Mother by Sri Aurobindo

La Madre

Estos ensayos esclarecedores por Sri Aurobindo forman una declaración de gran alcance y la indicación de la verdadera actitud que debe adoptar un sadhaka del Yoga Integral: el de una entrega completa y dinámica a la Madre. Estos ensayos describen el triple movimiento de aspiración, rechazo y  entrega, las condiciones básicas para una verdadera fe y sinceridad,  la fuerza irresistible de Gracia de la Madre, la necesidad de recuperar la fuerza – dinero para la obra de la Madre, y la alegría de ser un perfecto instrumento Suyo  a través del trabajo desinteresado, superando las exigencias del ego. El documento final describe los  cuatro grandes Poderes y Personalidad de la Madre Divina.

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The Philosophy of Religion

The Philosophy of Religion by Rod Hemsell

The Philosophy of Religion

The material in this book is a transcription of a series of twelve lectures presented by Rod Hemsell at Savitri Bhavan in Auroville, India. With broad brush strokes highlighted with interesting and intricate detail, Rod paints a rich historical portrait illustrating the evolution of philosophical thought and its impact on religious doctrine which extends over a twenty-four hundred year span. The underlying theme, of course, is the slow and steady evolution of human consciousness flowing along many separate streams of thought springing forth from the fount of human experience while growing in knowledge. The depth of this discourse is not at all overwhelming; however, we are no longer wading in the kiddie pool here. In these lectures, Rod has introduced a number of familiar characters and ideas and he has also introduced several others who may not be so well known, all of which invites the reader to follow up with investigations of their own. Rod’s treks along ancient pathways draw us along to discover the great, underlying similarities between the major religions of today that might otherwise go unnoticed and he convinces us that such was always inevitable since we have been dealing with universal truths all along.

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Two new upcoming Rod Hemsell books

Rod Hemsell Books

Rod Hemsell

Rod Hemsell Books

Two new Rod Hemsell books are coming soon to Auro e-Books. We are putting the final touches on our latest endeavor to bring our readers great material geared to furthering spiritual growth. The Philosophy of Evolution  and The Philosophy of Religion are both collections of lectures given by Rod Hemsell at the University of Human Unity in Auroville between 2008 and 2013. As their titles imply, these volumes are meant to bring a philosophical grounding to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and broaden the horizontal underpinnings of consciousness. We are excited to bring this new material to our readers and we are hopeful that the intellectual nature of these works will be of some benefit to all and we are thankful that Rod has consented to allow us to present his work on our website.

The Yoga and its Objects

The Yoga and Its Objects by Sri Aurobindo

The Yoga and its Objects

This is a very early essay written by Sri Aurobindo no later than 1912 and it was first published as a booklet in 1921 under the title “The Yoga and Its Object”.  In a letter written in 1934, Sri Aurobindo wrote: “But the book represents an early stage of Sri Aurobindo’s sadhana and only a part of it is applicable to the Yoga as it has at present taken form after a lapse of more than twenty years.”  However, this should not be construed to mean that the information in this book is useless or somehow outdated.  In the very same letter, apparently in reference to Lights on Yoga first published in 1935, Sri Aurobindo went on to say: “A book giving some hints about the Yoga compiled from letters to the sadhaks is about to be published, but it cannot be said to be complete. There is no complete book on the subject; for even The Synthesis of Yoga, published in the Arya but not yet republished in book form, gives only the theory of different components of the Yoga (Knowledge, Works, Devotion) and remains besides unfinished; it does not cover the more recent developments of the Yoga.” Clearly, these comments come from an ever evolving yoga; a yoga which, with Sri Aurobindo, began with a major step forward and moved beyond the stalled, stale practices of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the greatest difficulty of this short essay is the plethora of Sanskrit terms and that has been largely ameliorated with the inclusion of a glossary.

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