“I am with you” recounts the author’s close relation with the Mother, reflected in the book’s title from a personal message received by the Mother, beginning with their first meeting in 1950 following Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi up until the Mother’s passing in 1973. It provides an inside view of the teaching and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from a deeply devoted and dedicated sadhaka. It recounts the author’s work for the Mother in helping to establish UNESCO’s sponsorship of Auroville and various projects to promote its international status, including extended compilations made by the author for this purpose. It recounts her work with Richard on flowers and their interactions with Mother in this work. The book is replete with personal messages, correspondences, prayers and poems exchanged with the Mother, as well as their exchange of beautiful gifts. The book conveys the essential nature of a soul and life sincerely devoted to the Divine.
Book Details
Author: Kailas Jhaveri
Print Length: 348p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/cover-final-for-print-sq350.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2024-10-17 02:49:372024-10-17 02:59:57I am with you by Kailas Jhaveri
Nirodbaran narrated to Sri Aurobindo an incident that had taken place in Calcutta. The Mother was present during the narration. The incident concerned a girl of about ten or twelve. She belonged to a very well-known family and had visited the Ashram with her parents more than once. Now there was a tea-party in their sumptuous house. Many high-ranking people had been invited. The topic of the Ashram came up. Comments and criticisms started flying freely. Even the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were not spared. The child listened quietly. But when somebody seemed to overstep the limit of decency, she could stand it no longer. In a firm tone she said, “Look here, if you speak one more word about my Gurus, I’ll give you such a slap that you’ll tumble down.” Everybody was stunned. The child’s mamma left the room in shame and anger at the insult to her guests. Her uncle started looking at the ceiling in embarrassment, and to change the subject he started calling to the servants, “Hari, Ram, what a lot of dust is here!” Nirodbaran’s story was enjoyed by all immensely. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo looked happy.
Esha, the late Dilip Kumar Roy’s niece, was a little girl visiting the Ashram when I came to know her through my niece Jyotirmoyee with whom she had become very friendly. She wanted to settle in the Ashram, but her mother did not want it as she was still a minor. When after many years she came to the Ashram again and stayed with Sahana Devi, I became more closely acquainted with her. By that time she had already married and obtained her divorce and had decided to settle here. I came to her help and made all possible arrangements for the purpose. Since then I have come to know her well and listened to her narration of the incidents of her life. As I found them interesting I began to note them down and was thinking of publishing them in Mother India when somehow she got wind of it and strongly objected to it. As I felt I had Sri Aurobindo’s sanction for it, I did not listen to her. In spite of my disregarding her objection, luckily she did not stop recounting her saga. Of course she narrated it in Bengali and later I put it down in English as faithfully as I could. When the story began to appear in Mother India, she insisted more than once that I should stop it. My answer was that I believed it could be helpful to many readers and that Sri Aurobindo seemed to support me.
We find that many bhaktas are indeed appreciating the story, particularly because they realise through it that Sri Aurobindo is still very much with us and our faith has been strengthened, helping us through the difficult moments of our life. – NIRODBARAN
Book Details
Author: Nirodbaran
Print Length: 125p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Submitted by: Avinash Tiwari
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Nirodbaran-An-Extraordinary-Girl-cover350sq.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2024-08-25 13:55:162024-08-25 14:01:11An Extraordinary Girl by Nirodbaran
This book is a companion volume to India’s Rebirth, a selection from Sri Aurobindo’s writings and talks which presented his vision of India and the way out of her most pressing problems. India’s Rebirth, first published in 1993, has generated much enthusiasm in India and abroad; it has been translated into Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Oriya, as well as French, and translations into other languages are under preparation.
In India the Mother, we have collected excerpts from the writings, messages, letters and talks of Mother, Sri Aurobindo’s companion, who joined him in 1920 and worked tirelessly until 1973 to materialize his vision. As with India’s Rebirth, we have followed a chronological order, which covers almost sixty years. The greater part of the extracts are drawn from Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes), the record of the private conversations which Mother had with her confidant Satprem between 1954 and 1973. (The reader should remember that the extracts presented here have been edited for the purpose of this compilation; the integral text will be found in Mother’s Agenda, 12 volumes of which have now been published in English translation.)
For Mother, as for Sri Aurobindo, India is more than a piece of land, however lovable it may be; it is the Ancient Mother, a form of the Shakti who fashions worlds and ages as well as her recalcitrant children, and pursues her goal through progress, defeat or even destruction. When the world is experiencing the last years of the West’s “long decomposition,” when we are being compelled to understand that Man is not the ultimate product of our Evolution and that this earth is not meant to satisfy our petty destructive greeds, the dormant strengths of India’s civilization are destined to shape the path of our future humanity and give the world the inner impetus and vision that the West’s fast-fading glitter failed io provide.
Book Details
Author: The Mother
Print Length: 307
Publisher: MIRA ADITI, Mysore
Book format: Pdf, ePub, mobi (Kindle)
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Sri-Aurobindo-and-the-Mother-India-the-Mother-cover350sq.png350350Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2024-08-17 08:42:472024-08-17 08:42:47India The Mother
This is a short compilation of words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, which can be the “key” to unlocking visible and invisible doors.
Is it really so? Read and practice to see for yourself.
Book Details
Author: English
editor: K. C. Anand (All India Magazine);
Chinese translation: Anandi Zhang;
Proofreading: Ai Qianyou, Fiona
Print Length: 108
Book format: Pdf
Language: Chinese and English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/The-Inner-Attitude-Chinese-English-book-cover-350sq.png350350Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2024-08-17 05:44:352024-08-17 05:45:32The Inner Attitude (Chinese and English)
This is a talk by Aurovilian Loretta Shartsis to the children of Transition School, in which she talked about Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s plans for founding Auroville.
Book Details
作者/Author: Loretta Shartsis;
中文翻译/Chinese translation:清宁(Anandi Zhang);
校对Proofread by:艾千又(Ai Qianyou), 刘丽君(Liu Lijun)、石思宇(Nancy Shi)
Print Length: 60
Book format: Pdf
Language: Chinese and English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Mother-and-Sri-Aurobindos-Plans-for-Founding-Auroville-Chinese-English-350sq.png350350Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2024-08-17 04:30:532024-08-17 05:47:21Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s Plans for Founding Auroville by Loretta Shartsis (Chinese-English)
Compiled from the writings of the Mother, this booklet speaks of India’s soul and its mission to act as spiritual guru to the world, the significance of India’s freedom, its division, and its path to unity, India’s true genius and her destiny, and some notes on Indian culture.
Book Details
Author: The Mother
Print Length: 41
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, mobi (Kindle)
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/India-and-Her-Destiny-sq350.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2024-03-23 06:26:102024-03-23 06:27:59India and her Destiny
Living India comes from a 24/7 experience of being pickled in the Indian culture, in the context of Auroville – the City of Dawn aspiring to live an actual human unity in diversity.
Living India, loving India – the essence of it and its countless eyes, names, faces, facets and flavours. Living it. Carrying it. Always.
Book Details
Author: Anandi Zhang
Print Length: 117
Publisher: Our Home (OH), under Auroville Art Service
Book format: Pdf
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Living-India-e-book-cover350sq.png350350Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2024-03-03 06:42:332024-03-05 00:21:21Living India
Like the previous volumes in the English of Savitri series, this one too is based on transcripts of classes held by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from January 2014 to July 2014 and from July 2015 to October 2015. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the course. This Twelfth Volume covers Book Six, The Book of Fate; Book Eight, The Book of Death and Book Nine, The Book of Eternal Night of Sri Aurobindo’s epic Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol. Each sentence of these cantos is examined closely, and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence-structure and imagery. The aim is to assist understanding of the poem, which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision.’
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/shraddhavan-the-english-of-savitri-12-1500sq.png15001500Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2024-01-13 07:18:412024-08-17 09:57:01The English of Savitri (Volume 12)
This Collection of poems and writings was started in the 1970’s when Alan was given his name ‘Vikas’ (meaning Progress) by Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual collaborator, The Mother. He was born on 20th. November 1944, in York, England. In Auroville and amongst Aurovilians, he also differentiated himself as Vikas Vickers.
Having completed his education and practical training as an architect, Vikas went travelling in 1971, leaving the West feeling the need to seek something to give more meaning and purpose to his life. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but he did know that where and what he was, at that time, could not satisfy the deeper part of himself that wanted something more relevant to the world than an ordinary, little life. When he was on top of a truck en-route to Kathmandu, he met a 17 year-old Swedish man who embodied the maturity, calm and wisdom that made Vikas feel “I want some of that.” The young man had just come up from the former French territory of Pondicherry in the south of India. He started telling Vikas about Sri Aurobindo, about meeting The Mother and about the beginnings of Auroville. Vikas was fascinated. He immediately went there and this is where he started these writings. He also worked in the construction of The Matrimandir, the design and construction of the Amphitheatre and the design of the first EcoHouse in India.
His search has been for a vision and understanding, to use de Chardin’s phrase, of “the within of things”. To change one’s way of seeing the world it is necessary to change one’s consciousness out of ‘this earth-bound littleness’. In his case, he admits, a work still very much in progress after more than 50 years, but by following Sri Aurobindo’s ‘Integral Yoga’ he definitely feels that he is somewhere in the foothills. And he says that, rather than make a wretched battle out of the process, he has aspired to walk what The Mother called ‘the sunlit path’, which requires a surrender to the inner guide, who, one anyway discovers, has been leading us even when we thought we were doing the yoga of life.
Vikas laments the fact that England is currently somewhat Godless, although there is still a deep appreciation for philosophical poets like TS Eliot. In England there is a limited audience for the sort of spiritual seeking and vision which forms the inspiration for the kind of poetry Vikas writes. India, with its treasury of ancient spirituality and with the influence of Sri Aurobindo still recognises the value of poems about spiritual journeys. Vikas has also compiled two books of Auroville poems published by Prisma:
50 Poems from Auroville and 50 More Poems from Auroville
The writings included are thought-pieces exploring themes related to Auroville and a spirituality rooted in the aspiration for a better, truer, more beautiful life on earth.
Book Details
Author: Vikas
Print Length: 53
Book format: Pdf
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Vikas-Vickers-The-Nectar-within-the-nectar_250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2023-11-21 01:58:232023-11-21 02:02:13The Nectar within the nectar