It is a very precious “story” book for children of all ages, introducing a practice that can start young and at any age. This tri-lingual (English, French and German) version of LightGame I was published in 1977 by AUROPUBLICATIONS, Auroville, India. The publishing house AUROPUBLICATIONS no longer exists in Auroville, and the book is out of print. The author and the illustrator remain anonymous. A copy of it was found at the Free Store bookshelf in Auroville.
Book Details
Author: Anonymous
Print Length: 41
Publisher: AUROPUBLICATIONS, Auroville, India
Submitted by: Anandi
Book format: Pdf
Language: English, French and German
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As he was trying to find out where these things came from he became very quiet, somehow watching himself going deep inside, further and further, about at the place where his heart was beating in a regular rhythm.
There he found the source, something like a well, a well of all true happiness and joy.
And as if on a rope he started to climb up on the ray, going higher and higher, straight above his head.
There he found, while keeping the well of happiness, a most marvellous and interesting place.
The place where all knowledge is stored, all together, and the only thing necessary is to go there and look.
Thanks to Anandi and Anonymous.