It the book “Pitfalls in Sadhana” M.P. Pandit speaks about overcoming difficulties in the practice of the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol spans more than 900 pages and covers the gamut of human life and aspiration, the meaning of existence and the evolutionary development of consciousness. M.P. Pandit has systematically gone verse by verse through this epic and highlighted the sense and opened the meaning to us with his brief commentary or meditation on the themes thus revealed. Sri Pandit was secretary to the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He wrote and lectured extensively on Sri Aurobindo’s yoga and the Mother’s transformational work.
“Man After Man” is a shortened book version of the 2.5 hour long interview with Satprem by David Montemurri, a film maker for Italian TV. It was filmed in 1981, in the Nilgiris, the Blue Mountains of southern India, where Satprem and his companion Sujata were living.
The interview, recorded more than 30 years ago, may appear to take place in an ‘outdated’ political and social context, but Satprem’s answers, of a rare lucidity and full of empathy, remain absolutely acute, powerful and pertinent. The main trend of the interview centers on the future of humanity, particularly: What will be Man after man?
“We erect around us the bronze walls of our infallible laws, which are only the temporary hallucinations of a terrestrial species on its way towards the Truth of the Earth.” – Satprem e-Books e-Books2014-03-25 08:37:512019-05-05 03:33:51Man After Man
From immemorial ages, from the time of the Greek mysteries and before, human beings have been facing the riddle of the Sphinx – the riddle of this world. And even in this age, the age of modern science, and digital technology, we have no choice – we either have to answer it or perish in nameless shadows.
Have you ever wanted to discover for yourself – directly, without premade, prefabricated answers given by others – the meaning of the Universe and the purpose of human existence? Have you ever wondered why there is so much insensitivity, foolishness and ignorance not just in the world but in yourself as well? Have you ever wondered why our greatest aspirations are almost invariably betrayed by our own natures or why apparent victory always carries the taste of incompleteness? In The Riddle of this World, Sri Aurobindo answers these questions for his disciples in terms that are highly relevant for us today. Today, as in the deepest past, the challenge for each human being is to discover the purpose of his own existence. e-Books e-Books2014-02-13 11:59:182019-05-05 02:17:16The Riddle of this World
Sri Aurobindo was arrested for conspiracy on 5th May 1908 and spent one full year in Alipore jail while the British Government, in a protracted court-trial (which came to be known as “Alipore Bomb Case” ), tried to implicate him in various revolutionary activities. He was acquitted and released on 6th May 1909. Subsequently he wrote a series of articles in the Bengali journal “Suprabhat”, describing his life in prison and the courtroom. Sri Aurobindo made a brief mention in these articles of his spiritual experiences in Jail. Later he publicly spoke on the matter in the “Uttarpara Speech”. e-Books e-Books2013-11-24 23:20:122024-01-09 06:22:18Tales of Prison Life
Ebook Lights on Yoga by Sri Aurobindo is a collection of illuminating extracts from Sri Aurobindo’s letters to disciples. This booklet was first published in Sri Aurobindo’s lifetime in 1935 with the following note: “These are extracts from letters written by Sri Aurobindo to his disciples in answer to their queries. They have been put together and arranged so as to be of help to some aspirants for the understanding and practice of the Yoga.”
The Book “On the Way to Supermanhood” is written by Satprem an was first published in 1987. It is an essay on experimental evolution, which powerfully conveys the atmosphere and vibration of the new world; the “book of tomorrow.” Read more e-Books e-Books2013-09-24 15:23:212019-05-05 02:17:18On the Way to Supermanhood
In the book Yoga in SavitriM.P. Pandit provides an overview of the yoga of Sri Aurobindo as explained and set forth in Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol. There is the yoga of Ashwapathi that calls down the response of the Divine Shakti, and there is the separate yoga of Savitri, as she prepares for her confrontation with and defeat of Death.
Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol spans more than 900 pages and covers the gamut of human life and aspiration, the meaning of existence and the evolutionary development of consciousness. M.P. Pandit has systematically gone verse by verse through this epic and highlighted the sense and opened the meaning to us with his brief commentary or meditation on the themes thus revealed. Sri Pandit was secretary to the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He wrote and lectured extensively on Sri Aurobindo’s yoga and the Mother’s transformational work.
In “The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo” M.P. Pandit has provided us a brief overview and introduction to the teaching of Sri Aurobindo. This book seeks to expose the principles of this High Teaching and to elaborate upon the truths of this Knowledge in their bearing on the significance of Man, Nature and God. e-Books e-Books2013-06-21 10:21:122019-05-05 02:17:19The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo