Sri Aurobindo His Life Unique by Rishabhchand

Sri Aurobindo His Life Unique
A unique biography of Sri Aurobindo, which was written by Rishabhchand Samsukha in response to a request from The Mother, reviewed chapter by chapter by Nolini da, and translated by Andre Morisset for its bilingual publication at the Bulletin over the period of 10 years starting in 1960. The book focuses on early and political life leading up to the formation of the Ashram.
Regarding the works of Rishabhchand, the publisher’s note states: “One cannot fail to perceive in them an unusual harmony of the intellect’s clear thinking, intuition’s deep penetration and the spirit’s permeating suffusion. They stand out impressively against the background of innate humility and colour gracefully the flow of his style and language.”
Book Details
Author: Rishabhchand
Print Length: 454
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Original source:
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English
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