La Filosofia dell’Evoluzione (Italian)

La Filosofia dell’Evoluzione di Rod Hemsell

La Filosofia dell’Evoluzione

Come presentata qui, La Filosofia dell’Evoluzione  è un compendio di lezioni presentate da Rod Hemsell presso l’Università dell’Unità Umana ad Auroville nel 2008, 2009, 2012 e 2013. La spinta  principale nello yoga di Sri Aurobindo è sempre stata verso una partecipazione attiva all’evoluzione umana e questo è il concetto che ha fissato e definito  fin dall’inizio  la differenza  dello  yoga di  Sri Aurobindo e della Madre da tutti gli altri. Con la sua vasta conoscenza della filosofia e del pensiero di numerosi filosofi, e la sua familiarità con la scienza attuale, Rod è in grado di guidare il lettore attraverso lo sviluppo del pensiero in queste discipline e ci mostra il luogo che Sri Aurobindo, precursore illuminato, ci ha  indicato come prossimo obiettivo. Queste lezioni non sono una salita difficile o noiosa verso altezze rarefatte, piuttosto, sono esplorazioni istruttive dei campi base più ampi che circondano il monte; è lasciato a  Sri Aurobindo ed alla Madre la guida alla nostra ascesa. Tuttavia, con questa esplorazione della terra ferma, diventiamo sempre più sicuri che le nostre Guide verso le cime innevate in realtà sanno di che cosa parlano. Questa versione in lingua italiana riprende, su indicazione dell’autore, i capitoli più indicativi della versione originale inglese, che permettano comunque al lettore di seguire un filo conduttore  lineare e chiaro del percorso di pensiero  seguito da Rod Hemsell  nelle sue letture.

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Il Libro. Parole dagli scritti di Mère e Sri Aurobindo (Italian)

Il Libro. Parole dagli scritti di Mère e Sri Aurobindo

Il Libro

Parole dagli scritti di Mère e Sri Aurobindo

Questo è stato il primo libro in lingua italiana sulle opere di Sri Aurobindo e Mère, comparso nel 1972 ed oggi completamente esaurito. Approvato dalla Madre, che ne ha manoscritto il titolo, viene riproposto dalla Comunità Aurora del Centro Sri Aurobindo e Mère che provvede alla sua stampa nel 1998 in formato cartaceo.

Il volume si divide in due parti. La prima contiene la traduzione di alcuni “Entretiens” che la Madre ha tenuto dal 1951 sino al 1958, tutti i mercoledì e i venerdì nella palestra scoperta, in quello che all’Ashram viene chiamato il “Play-ground”. La seconda parte contiene parole di Sri Aurobindo sulla Madre, su quello che è la Madre. Ora questo prezioso documento viene riproposto in formato ebook da Auro e-Books.

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[Authors] New page dedicated to A.S. Dalal and his books

A.S. Dalal

A.S. Dalal

Born in Tanzania (1926); graduated in philosophy from the University of Poona, India (1950); lived as an inmate of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry (1952-59); studied psychology at the University of Poona (1959-61); pursued studies in clinical psychology and received training in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in the United States (1964-70); worked in the United States in different positions until 1985; residing in Pondicherry since 1986, engaged chiefly in research and writing.

To date has written three books on Sri Aurobindo’s psychological thought as well as a book comparing some aspects of Eckhart Tolle’s teaching with Sri Aurobindo’s yoga; has also compiled twelve books (one currently in the press) based on the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

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Auroville Today December Issue 305

Auroville Today December Issue 305

Auroville Today December Issue 305

Read in this issue:

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Looking for Volunteers for Proofreading Bengali Texts


2 style=”text-align: center;”>Looking for Volunteers: proofreading Bengali Text
in Sri Aurobindo’s Works

Dear friends,

We are looking for volunteers who could type Bengali Unicode text in order to proofread Bengali part in Sri Aurobindo’s Collected Works, and other writings and scriptures.

So, who have some time to spare? We organized this work in easy-going routine for proofreading Bengali. As a reward you will get nicely formatted book in epub/mobi/doc and Teacher’s blessings. I can not promise you the second, but guarantee the first, once it is done.

What will you say?

Krishna V.


Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014 (Finished)

Auro e-Books Webhosting Fundraising Company

Auro e-Books Web Hosting Fundraising Company 2014

Dear friends,

We invite you to participate in our web hosing fundraising company in order to pay annual renting fee for Auro e-Books website hosting.

Below is details of our server configuration and annual fee.

Krishna (Vladnesh)

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Two new upcoming Henri Bergson books

Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson

Henri Bergson Books

As a follow-on to our latest publications, Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Evolution, both by Rod Hemsel, Auro e-Books is currently putting the finishing touches on two more publications from the realm of philosophy. In fact, it was Rod’s frequent mention of the work of Henri Bergson which lead us to consider publishing two of Bergson’s books. Creative Evolution and The Two Sources of Morality and Religion are the latest (1907 and 1932 respectively) of Bergson’s four most highly regarded works and tie-in very nicely with the two lecture series by Rod. While most of us may wax philosophical from time to time, very very few of us pursue the complete coherence of thought and understanding to which the great philosophers aspire. It is not our intention here to promote any specific system of thought; rather, it is our conviction that any endeavor to follow the thought processes of great thinkers can only result in an expansion of our own horizons and possibly even some strengthening, straightening and re-organizing of our own thought processes.

Two new upcoming Rod Hemsell books

Rod Hemsell Books

Rod Hemsell

Rod Hemsell Books

Two new Rod Hemsell books are coming soon to Auro e-Books. We are putting the final touches on our latest endeavor to bring our readers great material geared to furthering spiritual growth. The Philosophy of Evolution  and The Philosophy of Religion are both collections of lectures given by Rod Hemsell at the University of Human Unity in Auroville between 2008 and 2013. As their titles imply, these volumes are meant to bring a philosophical grounding to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and broaden the horizontal underpinnings of consciousness. We are excited to bring this new material to our readers and we are hopeful that the intellectual nature of these works will be of some benefit to all and we are thankful that Rod has consented to allow us to present his work on our website.

Book Update: The Upanishads by Sri Aurobindo (free ebook)

The Upanishads by Sri Aurobindo

Dear friends!

We updated book “The Upanishads” by Sri Aurobindo in “Open Library” which presently available in epub, mobi and pdf formats. Added new PDF book format, re-worked book layout and designed custom Auro e-Books cover.

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Gayatri Mantra Sri Aurobindo

Gayatri Mantra by Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's Sanskrit  Handwriting of Gayatri Mantra

Sri Aurobindo’s Sanskrit Handwriting of Gayatri Mantra

तत्सवितुर्वरं रूपं ज्योतिः परस्य धीमहि |
यन्नः सत्येन दीपयेत् ||

“Om Tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhīmahi, yannaḥ satyena dīpayet”

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