Nishtha Müller
Nishtha Müller is a German who has lived in Auroville, India, since 1981. For many years, his field of expertise has been the study of the Vedas based on the psychological and spiritual interpretations of Sri Aurobindo. It is his great wish to make the nowadays mostly unknown or little understood Vedas easily accessible to the spiritual seekers of the present day. To that end, among other things, he contributed a series of articles on the Vedas to a well known German yoga magazine between 2008 and 2011 and, in 2014, he authored another five-part series entitled: “The Gayatri Mantra yoga in the original yoga of Vedic seers”. Since 2012, he has regularly presented Veda lectures, seminars and workshops in German speaking countries. From the very beginning, he felt an inner affinity and essential relationship to the symbolic language and philosophy of the Vedas. Texts and audio recordings of these and other presentations are available at
Nishtha website in German: