Un Vent de Liberté par Phileo

Un Vent de Liberté

À travers cet essai, l’auteur dresse un tableau des rapports humains dans le monde actuel, rapports inscrits dans une totale aliénation de l’Homme à l’Intellect, à la raison “raisonnante” qui le conduit sans discontinuer à vouloir imiter la Nature, à la singer sans jamais l’égaler, à vouloir la posséder sans jamais pouvoir la contrôler. Et cette volonté de possession et de contrôle s’exerce dans tous les espaces et à tous les niveaux de tous les systèmes hiérarchiques planétaires. Profits et Contrôle des Masses dirigent la Politique “libérale” de l’Humanité qui s’oriente fatalement vers un enfermement psychique généralisé, individuellement et collectivement.

Cet essai tente également de démontrer qu’il n’est pas souhaitable pour l’Homme d’attendre que sa libération de toute forme d’emprisonnement psychique s’accomplisse depuis le monde objectivé. Bien au contraire, c’est par une profonde connaissance de Soi, par l’exercice du nécessaire dialogue entre sa Conscience et son Inconscient, dialogue fondateur de notre Psychisme (notre Âme), que l’Homme parviendra enfin à sa Totalité (l’Homme Total).

Détails du livre

Auteur: Phileo
Longueur d’impression: 58
Éditeur: Auro e-Books
Format du livre: pdf, ePub, mobi
Langue: Français, Anglais

Table des matières

  • Introduction
  • Illusions
  • Science, Morale, Hiérarchie et Ordre Social
  • La Cybernétique
  • Notre Psychisme, Pour une Psychologie libertaire, L’autre part de la Philosophie

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A Wind of Freedom by Phileo

A Wind of Freedom

Through this essay, the author describes the psychic human relationships in the world today, which are inscribed in a total human alienation to the Intellect, to the “reasoning” reason which continually leads Man to imitate Nature, to ape it without never equaling to it, to want to possess nature without never being able to control it. And this will to possess and control is exercised in all areas and at levels of all planetary hierarchical systems. Profits and Control of Masses lead the “liberal” Politics of Humanity which is fatally oriented towards a generalized psychic confinement, individually and collectively.

This essay also tries to demonstrate that it is not desirable for man to wait for the achievement of his liberation of all forms of psychic imprisonment taking place from the objectified world. On the contrary, it is through a deep Self-knowledge, by the exercise of the necessary dialogue between his Consciousness and his Unconscious, the founding dialogue of our Psyche (our Soul), which Man will finally reach his Totality (the Total Man).

Book Details

Author: Phileo
Print Length: 49
Publisher: Auro e-Books
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English, French


  • Introduction
  • Illusions
  • Science, Morality, Hierarchy and Social Order
  • Cybernetics
  • Our Psyche, for a libertarian Psychology, the other part of Philosophy

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《社會發展的心理學》,室利·阿羅頻多,Sri Aurobindo撰,原為阿黎耶哲學雜誌中之論文,始於一九一六年八月,終於一九一八年七月。單行本一九五〇年紐約出版,改名《人類循環論》,The Human Cycle,凡二十四章,三百頁,附索引十二頁。二題名在華文皆頗生疏,以書之內容,乃論社會進化之事,故逕題曰《社會進化論》。




作者: 室利·阿羅頻多著 徐梵澄譯
頁數: 266頁
出版發行: 室利·阿羅頻多修道院印刷所華文部出版圖書處
資料來源: Jared, 新加坡室利·阿羅頻多社區
編輯: 梵木陽
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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The Glory of The Divine Mother as revealed in Savitri

The Glory of The Divine Mother as revealed in Savitri

Savitri is a many-layered mantric epic that Sri Aurobindo has gifted to earth and men. Given the mantric nature of Savitri and the incarnate Divine Mother at the center and core of the yoga of supramental transformation, it is felt that invoking Her Presence with the help of these mantric lines is bound to help the aspiring soul to open more and more to Her who holds the key to change human nature into divine nature. It is with this purpose that these passages have been selected, passages that reveal to us the glory of the Divine Mother and Her vast all-embracing, all威而鋼
-transmuting Love.

Book Details

Author: Sri Aurobindo
Compiler: Alok Pandey
Print Length: 145
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English

200 Questions & Answers Based on the Bhagavad-Gita Teachings by Kamlesh C Patel

200 Questions & Answers Based on
the Bhagavad-Gita Teachings

200 Practical Questions on all aspects of Life and their answers in a simple to understand way, based on the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita.

Book Details

Author: Kamlesh C Patel
Print Length: 129
Publisher: Evincepub Publishing
Original source: https://eternalreligionReligion.org
Submitted by: kamlesh c patel
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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The Lost Light: An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

The Lost Light

An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures

Highly influenced by the work of Gerald Massey and Godfrey Higgins, Kuhn contended that the Bible derived its origins from other Pagan religions and much of Christian history was pre-extant as Egyptian mythology. He also proposed that the Bible was symbolic and did not depict real events, and argued that the leaders of the church started to misinterpret the bible at the end of the third century. Many authors including Tom Harpur and John G. Jackson were influenced by the works of Kuhn. Harpur even dedicated his best-selling 2004 book, “The Pagan Christ” to Kuhn, calling him “a man of immense learning and even greater courage” and “one of the single greatest geniuses of the twentieth century” [who] “towers above all others of recent memory in intellect and his understanding of the world’s religions.” Harpur notes that Kuhn gave nearly 2,000 public lectures which were lengthy, detailed and well-attended. …

Book Details

Author: Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Print Length: 605
Publisher: The Academy Press
Contributor: Blindshiva
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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Songs from the Soul by Anilbaran Roy

Songs from the Soul

A collection of meditations and mystic poems by Anilbaran Roy. Anilbaran Roy was a professor of philosophy for seven years in Bengal. Subsequently he felt a call for national work and actively participated in the Non-cooperation Movement. He became profoundly impressed by the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and in June 1926 he joined the Ashram. Anilbaran was a prolific writer and has written books in three languages, English, Bengali and Hindi.

Sri Aurobindo translated his poem and wrote in November 1935 of his translation (which he has apparently just completed): “Anilbaran’s song is best rendered by an Elizabethan simplicity and intensity with as little artifice of metre and diction as possible. I have tried to do it in that way.”

The Mother made selection from Anilbaran’s prayers offered to her. She termed the collection a “Spiritual Dictionary”. They were published as part of this book “Songs from the Soul”

The following quotation from “The Mother” by Sri Aurobindo was chosen by Anilbaran to open the book:

“Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth, not your mind that leaps at appearances; trust the Divine Power and she will free the godlike elements in you and shape all into an expression of Divine Nature.”

Book Details

Author: Anilbaran Roy
Print Length: 116
Publisher: Sandhanam Printing Works
Contributor: Website Visitor
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English
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The Mind of the Cells or Willed Mutation of Our Species

The Mind of the Cells
or Willed Mutation of Our Species

Le Mental des Cellules (The Mind of the Cells), a synopsis and introduction of the whole Agenda, with many fascinating and important excerpts, and written with great passion by Satprem. He also refers to personal experiences, including the 1976 attempt upon his life, which he only survived by going into a state of complete non-resistance.

“The Mind of the Cells”: Six and a half billion Homo sapiens are now learning the futility of their ways of existence, just as one day some fish learned the futility of their gills on dry land. If those fish had sought to improve their aquatic science, invent new fins and new philosophies, they would have been mistaken. The question is whether we will find the WAY, not to improve human suffocation, but to be and live in another way on earth. Is there in this human body a spring, a lever which will enable us to change our terrestrial conditions, just as three million years ago a first mental vibration prepared Einstein and the Boeing 747? What vibration? Where, in the body? Could it be that life’s raw material, the cell, conceals a power of consciousness or a “vibratory mode” which would make obsolete all our cerebral means and our dead-end devices? A Mind of the Cells which will open up to us new sources of energy, new means of communication, a new power to handle Matter. A new biology and a new consciousness which will enable us to meet the challenge of a species on its way to self-destruction. Such is Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s incredible discovery in the cells of the body, at a time when the earth is asphyxiating. For “salvation is physical” said she, who at the age of eighty, dared to knock at the body’s last door, and who made the most tremendous discovery since Darwin.

Book Details

Author: Satprem
Print Length: 234
Publisher: Institut de Recherches Évolutives
Contributor: Website Visitor
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English
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Wu Wei (Laotzu’s Tao) by Henri Borel

Wu Wei (Laotzu’s Tao)

Laotzu was more than likely the first scholar to have a vision of spiritual reality, somewhere around the 6th century B.C. At that time, his visions were a source of ridicule, misunderstanding and ostracism. Included in this volume are the explanation of Tao, according to Laotzu; and a study of his Wu Wei. A short history of Laotzu can be found within as well.

From the autor: The present study on Lao Tse’s ‘Wu Wei’ should not be considered in any way as a translation, even free, of that philosopher’s work. I have simply tried to render the essence of his wisdom in all its purity: I have here and there given a direct translation of the truths enunciated by him, but most of this work is the development, in a form elaborated by me, of some principles to which he confined himself for formulation.

Lao Tse’s is a tiny book and extremely simple at that: the author’s thought is condensed in a few words taken in their pure primitive sense, sometimes a very different sense than the one assumed in other works, in the works of Confucius for example, but those few words are the Gospel. Lao Tse’s work is not a philosophical treatise; it simply exposes the truths to which Lao Tse was led by his philosophy: only the quintessence of that philosophy is there, not the development of his system.

This small work is wholly penetrated by that essence, but is not a translation of Lao Tse. In his book there is none of the comparisons drawn by me from the landscape, the sea and the clouds; nowhere has he spoken of Art, also he has not specially dealt with Love. In dealing with these subjects, I have expressed the ideas and feelings deducing instinctively from Lao Tse’s profound philosophy, for one who has been long penetrated by it. It may be then that my study contains much more of myself than I imagine, but in that case also, it will be the expression of the thoughts and feelings awakened in me by the words of Lao Tse.

Book Details

Author: Henri Borel (Translated by Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala)
Print Length: 46
Publisher: Auro e-Books
Contributor: Krishna
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English
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The English of Savitri Volume 5

The English of Savitri
volume 5

This is the fifth volume of the English of Savitri series based on transcripts of classes led by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from 6 January to 11 August 2011. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the course. This volume contains detailed explanations of the first four Cantos of Book Two, The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds. Each sentence is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence structure and imagery. The aim is to assist a deeper understanding and appreciation of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.

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