Gayatri Mantra Sri Aurobindo

Gayatri Mantra by Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's Sanskrit  Handwriting of Gayatri Mantra

Sri Aurobindo’s Sanskrit Handwriting of Gayatri Mantra

तत्सवितुर्वरं रूपं ज्योतिः परस्य धीमहि |
यन्नः सत्येन दीपयेत् ||

“Om Tat savitur varam rūpam jyotiḥ parasya dhīmahi, yannaḥ satyena dīpayet”

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Auro e-Books officially registered as Auroville activity

Auro e-Books now officially registered as Auroville activity

Auro e-Books now officially registered as Auroville activity

Dear friends,

I am happy to share with you news – Auro e-Books: e-Books on well-Being and Spirituality got registered as Auroville activity. So from now on we are offering e-book production and publication to aurovilians and Auroville units on official basis.

Triple cheers!

New Art Gallery: Following the Inner Light (Desktop Wallpapers)


Gallery: Following the Inner Light

Dear friends!

My name is Krishna (Ukrainian Aurovilian). Me and my wife Sungheui (Korean Aurovilian) created together series of insirational digital art pictures dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’s poem Savitri: A legend and a Symbol. We are offerring you Gallery “Following the Inner Light” with these art images which have a size of computer desktop wallpapers, so you can share with us the joy of Savitri inspiration.

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Book Update: Conversations with Sri Aurobindo by Pavitra (free ebook)

Conversations with Sri Aurobindo by Pavitra

We updated book “Conversations with Sri Aurobindo” in “Open Library” which presently available in epub, mobi and pdf formats. Fixed broken links to ebook files, added pdf format, styles reformatting.

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Book Update: Elements of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo (free ebook)

Elements of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo

We updated book “Elements of Yoga” in “Open Library” which presently available in epubmobi and pdf formats. Added pdf format, redesigned book cover, minor styles formatting.

Enjoy reading!

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Books Update: The Bhagavat Gita and The Riddle of this World by Sri Aurobindo

The Bhagavad Gita The Riddle of This World

After receiving valuable feedback of readers of our website we updated two books The Bhagavat Gita,  The Riddle of this World which presently available  in epubmobi and pdf formats.

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A way of exploring Human Unity in Auro e-Books


The Auro e-Books Project is an efficient meeting of good-will, intention and aspiration to achieve technical perfection and maintain a “conscious presence” during the work so as to reveal as much as possible our highest possibilities.

It is a laboratory of evolution and consciousness, of brotherhood and sharing. There are no set limits of time (everyone gives to the project as much as she/he can), nor of space (we use Skype, e-mail, and social networks to work together).

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Support Auro e-Books with your donation

Support Auro e-Books with your donation

Dear friends,

Auro e-Books is dedicated to fostering Human Unity based on the vision of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother by sharing e-Books in the Integral Yoga, Auroville and spirituality.

Since this website was established in 2011, a few dedicated people around the world have worked passionately to produce new ebooks and develop the website.

But, we could not achieve this without our readers support. So please do come forward and donate funds for Auro e-Book. We need them to continue running this service and produce new books.

After contributing, please send us an email so we can thank you personally. We truly appreciate your involvement with Auro e-Books so far and look forward to your continued support.

The Auro e-Books Team

You can make donation through Paypal payment portal:

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
With gratitude, The Auro e-Books team