We need a sense of the unity of life and of humans for the sake of human welfare and for the survival of the planet. We need a sense of unity with the cosmos so that we can connect with Reality. But we also need a sense of individuality, for the sake of our own dignity and independence and of the loving care for others. We need it to appreciate each natural form, each animal and plant, each human person in their uniqueness.
The Companion to The Secret of the Veda is meant as an aid to the systematic study of The Secret of the Veda for those interested in Sri Aurobindo’s Psychological interpretation of the Veda. Itis a word to word matching of original Sanskrit Riks with Sri Aurobindo’s English translation in The Secret of the Veda (Volume I). The compiler has provided the Original Sanskrit Verses (Riks) from the Rig-veda, Padpātha in which all euphonic combinations (sandhi) are resolved into the original and separate words and even the components of compound words (samās) indicated; and matched each Sanskrit word in the Verse with the corresponding English word in the Translation.
Book Details
Author: Mukund Ainapure
Print Length: 173
Publisher: Self-Published
Submitted by: Author
Book format: Pdf
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Mukund-Ainapure-Companion-to-the-Secret-of-Veda-cover250sq.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2019-06-22 07:18:272024-08-17 03:02:52Companion to ‘The Secret of the Veda’ – Vol. I by Mukund Ainapure
“Auroville, the first 6 years – 1968-1974” written by Savitra is one of only two records of what was happening on the Auroville plateau during the first 6 years of its creation.
Book Details
Author: Savitra
Print Length: 102 pages
Publisher: Auropublications
Original source: Auroville Archives
Contributors: Gilles Guigan
Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Savitra-Auroville-The-First-Six-Years-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2019-06-09 15:43:252020-08-05 02:04:10AUROVILLE: The first six years 1968-1974 by Savitra
This book includes the Conversations with the Mother recollected by Mona Sarkar published earlier in Sweet Mother — Harmonies of Light and Sweet Mother — Harmonies of Light — Part 2, as well as some new material. The text has been revised in places. These conversations were held in French. They were noted down from memory, except for a few talks which were recorded on tape. Occasionally, the Mother spoke in English.
Book Details
Author: Mona Sarkar
Print Length: 126
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Contributor: Website Visitor
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Mona-Sarkar-Sweet-Mother-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2019-06-09 14:03:232019-06-09 14:03:23Sweet Mother by Mona Sarkar
Entrevista de Satprem sobre a evolução da humanidade.
Book Details
Author: Satprem
Print Length: 19
Original source: https://auro-ebooks.com/man-after-man/
Submitted by: Diego Jorge Azevêdo de Mello
Book format: Pdf
Language: Portuguese (Português Brasileiro) Read more
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/satprem-man-after-man-250sq1.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2019-05-19 14:15:472019-05-19 14:20:42O Homem Após o Homem (Portuguese)
Through this essay, the author describes the psychic human relationships in the world today, which are inscribed in a total human alienation to the Intellect, to the “reasoning” reason which continually leads Man to imitate Nature, to ape it without never equaling to it, to want to possess nature without never being able to control it. And this will to possess and control is exercised in all areas and at levels of all planetary hierarchical systems. Profits and Control of Masses lead the “liberal” Politics of Humanity which is fatally oriented towards a generalized psychic confinement, individually and collectively.
This essay also tries to demonstrate that it is not desirable for man to wait for the achievement of his liberation of all forms of psychic imprisonment taking place from the objectified world. On the contrary, it is through a deep Self-knowledge, by the exercise of the necessary dialogue between his Consciousness and his Unconscious, the founding dialogue of our Psyche (our Soul), which Man will finally reach his Totality (the Total Man).
Book Details
Author: Phileo
Print Length: 49
Publisher: Auro e-Books
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English, French
Science, Morality, Hierarchy and Social Order
Our Psyche, for a libertarian Psychology, the other part of Philosophy
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Phileo-A-Wind-of-Freedom-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2019-05-04 11:19:572019-05-06 10:35:45A Wind of Freedom by Phileo
The Glory of The Divine Mother as revealed in Savitri
Savitri is a many-layered mantric epic that Sri Aurobindo has gifted to earth and men. Given the mantric nature of Savitri and the incarnate Divine Mother at the center and core of the yoga of supramental transformation, it is felt that invoking Her Presence with the help of these mantric lines is bound to help the aspiring soul to open more and more to Her who holds the key to change human nature into divine nature. It is with this purpose that these passages have been selected, passages that reveal to us the glory of the Divine Mother and Her vast all-embracing, all威而鋼 -transmuting Love.
Book Details
Author: Sri Aurobindo
Compiler: Alok Pandey
Print Length: 145
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English (more…)
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/The-Glory-of-The-Divine-Mother-as-revealed-in-Savitri_sq250.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2019-04-23 16:22:142024-01-09 06:22:19The Glory of The Divine Mother as revealed in Savitri