Tag Archive for: Sri Aurobindo

I am with you by Kailas Jhaveri

I am with you

“I am with you” recounts the author’s close relation with the Mother, reflected in the book’s title from a personal message received by the Mother, beginning with their first meeting in 1950 following Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi up until the Mother’s passing in 1973. It provides an inside view of the teaching and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from a deeply devoted and dedicated sadhaka. It recounts the author’s work for the Mother in helping to establish UNESCO’s sponsorship of Auroville and various projects to promote its international status, including extended compilations made by the author for this purpose. It recounts her work with Richard on flowers and their interactions with Mother in this work. The book is replete with personal messages, correspondences, prayers and poems exchanged with the Mother, as well as their exchange of beautiful gifts. The book conveys the essential nature of a soul and life sincerely devoted to the Divine.

Book Details

Author: Kailas Jhaveri
Print Length: 348p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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An Extraordinary Girl by Nirodbaran

An Extraordinary Girl

Nirodbaran narrated to Sri Aurobindo an incident that had taken place in Calcutta. The Mother was present during the narration. The incident concerned a girl of about ten or twelve. She belonged to a very well-known family and had visited the Ashram with her parents more than once. Now there was a tea-party in their sumptuous house. Many high-ranking people had been invited. The topic of the Ashram came up. Comments and criticisms started flying freely. Even the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were not spared. The child listened quietly. But when somebody seemed to overstep the limit of decency, she could stand it no longer. In a firm tone she said, “Look here, if you speak one more word about my Gurus, I’ll give you such a slap that you’ll tumble down.” Everybody was stunned. The child’s mamma left the room in shame and anger at the insult to her guests. Her uncle started looking at the ceiling in embarrassment, and to change the subject he started calling to the servants, “Hari, Ram, what a lot of dust is here!” Nirodbaran’s story was enjoyed by all immensely. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo looked happy.

Esha, the late Dilip Kumar Roy’s niece, was a little girl visiting the Ashram when I came to know her through my niece Jyotirmoyee with whom she had become very friendly. She wanted to settle in the Ashram, but her mother did not want it as she was still a minor. When after many years she came to the Ashram again and stayed with Sahana Devi, I became more closely acquainted with her. By that time she had already married and obtained her divorce and had decided to settle here. I came to her help and made all possible arrangements for the purpose. Since then I have come to know her well and listened to her narration of the incidents of her life. As I found them interesting I began to note them down and was thinking of publishing them in Mother India when somehow she got wind of it and strongly objected to it. As I felt I had Sri Aurobindo’s sanction for it, I did not listen to her. In spite of my disregarding her objection, luckily she did not stop recounting her saga. Of course she narrated it in Bengali and later I put it down in English as faithfully as I could. When the story began to appear in Mother India, she insisted more than once that I should stop it. My answer was that I believed it could be helpful to many readers and that Sri Aurobindo seemed to support me.

We find that many bhaktas are indeed appreciating the story, particularly because they realise through it that Sri Aurobindo is still very much with us and our faith has been strengthened, helping us through the difficult moments of our life. – NIRODBARAN

Book Details

Author: Nirodbaran
Print Length: 125p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Submitted by: Avinash Tiwari
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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The Mother (Mirra Alfassa)

The Books of The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo. Free books download in PDF, ePub, Kindle on Auro e-Books.

Sri Aurobindo: The Grand Synthesis

Sri Aurobindo: The Grand Synthesis

On November 3rd, Dr. Ananda Reddy released his new book Sri Aurobindo: The Grand Synthesis at a function at Auroville’s Unity Pavilion in the presence of the Vice Chancellor of the Pondicherry University Prof. Gurmeet Singh and the Secretary of the Auroville Foundation Dr. Jayanti Ravi. The book is dedicated to Sri Aurobindo on the occasion of his 150th birth anniversary.

The book is divided into two parts. In part one, Ananda highlights the turning points in Sri Aurobindo’s life and explains why he considers Sri Aurobindo to be the guiding spirit of humanity. In the chapter Sri Aurobindo: The Future, he comments on each of the five dreams of Sri Aurobindo, given as a message for the 15th of August 1947 on the occasion of India’s independence. Read more

Sri Aurobindo’s Humour by Nirodbaran

Sri Aurobindo’s Humour

This book represents a new and, to the general public, quite an unfamiliar aspect of Sri Aurobindo — his humour. There is a common belief that yogis and saints are grave and reserved by nature. They have no sense of humour. Sri Ramakrishna was probably the first among them who is known to have shattered this false notion. Sri Aurobindo was revered and accepted as a great yogi, philosopher and poet, but was considered to be dry and dreary. His sublime philosophical writings dating from the Arya-period were perhaps responsible for this popular misconception. During his political life too he was branded as ’the man who never smiles’. Even to his disciples who saw him only four times a year, he appeared grave and austere, yet with a quiet compassion which made him so lovable as a Guru.

When I wrote to him complaining that his ”Himalayan austerity and grandeur take my breath away, making my heart palpitate!” he replied: ”O rubbish! I am austere and grand, grim and stern! every blasted thing I never was! I groan in an un-Aurobindian despair when I hear such things. What has happened to the common sense of all of you people ? In order to reach the Overmind it is not at all necessary to take leave of this simple but useful quality. Common sense by the way is not logic (which is the least common sense-like thing in the world), it is simply looking at things as they are without inflation or deflation-—not imagining wild imaginations—or for that matter, despairing ’I know not why’ despairs.”

Book Details

Author: Nirodbaran
Print Length: 105p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Submitted by: Avinash Tiwari
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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O Soul, My Soul! by Indra Sen

O Soul, My Soul!

3 essays written by Dr. Indra Sen:

O Soul, My Soul! – An essay on the goals of education as The Mother and Sri Aurobindo defined them. Dr Indra Sen also reflects on the Ashram School students answers to the question ‘What does your soul look like?’.

Finding The Soul – Finding the soul is all the issue of life. One must be first what one really is. One must get right oneself first.

The Yogic Approach To Life – The yogic approach to life beginning as a little deeper poise of consciousness can, if pursued long enough, lead to such a marvellous realisation — a realisation of a Conscious Soul in a Conscious Universe, living as a master and a king, over the lesser manifestations of matter, life and mind.

Book Details

Author: Indra Sen
Print Length: 20
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Mobi
Language: English
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Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran

Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo

Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran is an account of the period of his close personal contact with Sri Aurobindo, the time when he served as Sri Aurobindo’s personal attendant and literary secretary from 1938 to 1950.

Readers of Sri Aurobindo might wonder about the Master’s external personality. The curiosity is perennial in the mind of the seeker; in the Gita, Arjuna cannot refrain from asking Sri Krishna, “How does the sage of settled understanding speak, how sit, how walk?” Equality has always been held as the hallmark of the liberated soul and while signs of equality are subjective, sensitive souls cannot help perceiving the spiritual atmosphere of evolved beings. The Person in them is larger than the personality, and this inner largeness overflows into and suffuses their external nature as well.

Book Details

Author: Nirodbaran
Print Length: 324p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Submitted by: Website Visitor
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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作者: 室利·阿羅頻多疏釋 徐梵澄譯
頁數: 158頁
出版發行: 室利·阿羅頻多修道院印刷所華文部出版圖書處
資料來源: Jared, 新加坡室利·阿羅頻多社區
編輯: Fan Muyang
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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Companion to ‘The Secret of the Veda’ – Vol. I by Mukund Ainapure

Companion to ‘The Secret of the Veda’

Volume I

The Companion to The Secret of the Veda is meant as an aid to the systematic study of The Secret of the Veda for those interested in Sri Aurobindo’s Psychological interpretation of the Veda. It is a word to word matching of original Sanskrit Riks with Sri Aurobindo’s English translation in The Secret of the Veda (Volume I). The compiler has provided the Original Sanskrit Verses (Riks) from the Rig-veda, Padpātha in which all euphonic combinations (sandhi) are resolved into the original and separate words and even the components of compound words (samās) indicated; and matched each Sanskrit word in the Verse with the corresponding English word in the Translation.

Book Details

Author: Mukund Ainapure
Print Length: 173
Publisher: Self-Published
Submitted by: Author
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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《母親的話》記錄了室利阿羅頻多修道院院母,人稱“母親(The Mother)”的著述及與弟子們之間的對話,內容涉及日常生活和瑜伽修行的諸多方面。


作者: 法國院母 密那氏著述;徐梵澄譯
頁數: 405頁
出版發行: 室利阿羅頻多修道院印刷所華文部出版
出版日期: 1958年7月
編輯: Asha
書籍格式: pdf
語言: 華文
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