The Inner Attitude

The Inner Attitude

This is a collection of quotes from Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on the inner attitude — everything depends upon it.

Book Details

Author: Editor: K. C. Anand
Print Length: 52
Publisher: All India Magazine
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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Anandmath (Italian)


Anandamath, dello scrittore bengalese Bankim Chandra Chatterjee del secolo XIX, è il romanzo dell’insurrezione del popolo hindu contro il dominio dei Musulmani e Inglesi, avvenuta nella seconda metà del 1700. Gli Inglesi erano allora in fase ascendente per il pieno dominio dell’India. Il popolo soffriva la fame, subiva patenti vessazioni dai governanti, era costretto a pagare ingenti tasse, così si ribellò. Chi lo guidò furono degli illuminati Sannyasin – uomini e donne erranti che hanno rinunciato ai beni materiali per trovare Dio, secondo l’Induismo. Il Sannyasin viene a conoscere Dio dunque viene a conoscere il proprio vero Sé: la sua coscienza s’espande a tutto il creato e si fa carico del bene e male di esso. Egli è mosso dall’amore verso tutti gli esseri. Il Sannyasin del romanzo non è tuttavia un rinunciatario della vita materiale: si butta con tutto il cuore nell’azione anche cruenta per alleviare le sofferenze del popolo.

Bankim sa entrare nella psiche dei protagonisti, ne svela i moti interiori, così aggiungendo alla vividezza dei fatti esteriori, a volte impietosi, i colori dell’anima. E il lettore ne beneficia , in quanto non può esimersi dal confrontarli con le proprie pulsioni interiori.

Sri Aurobindo, il pioniere della libertà dell’India dal giogo britannico prima e del futuro glorioso dell’umanità poi, di ritorno dall’Inghilterra (nel 1893) scrisse degli articoli su Bankim, che testimoniamo dell’influenza su di lui, per la virtù letteraria e specificatamente per Anandamath, il suo spirito e fuoco rivoluzionario, di opposizione costi quel che costi alla schiavitù di stranieri. E per entrare più a fondo e presto in quello spirito egli tradusse buona parte del romanzo. Il canto Bande Mataram, parte del libro, divenne grazie a Sri Aurobindo il motto e grido di libertà del popolo indiano agli inizi del 1900, ben prima della liberazione.

The attached work is the Italian translation of book Anandamath by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, from the English version of Sri Aurobindo and his brother Barin, as issued by Auro-ebooks.

Book Details

Author: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Translation into Italian: Giancarlo Pedralli
Print Length: 120
Original source:
Submitted by: giancarlo PEDRALLI
Book format: Pdf
Language: Italian
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Sri Aurobindo’s Humour by Nirodbaran

Sri Aurobindo’s Humour

This book represents a new and, to the general public, quite an unfamiliar aspect of Sri Aurobindo — his humour. There is a common belief that yogis and saints are grave and reserved by nature. They have no sense of humour. Sri Ramakrishna was probably the first among them who is known to have shattered this false notion. Sri Aurobindo was revered and accepted as a great yogi, philosopher and poet, but was considered to be dry and dreary. His sublime philosophical writings dating from the Arya-period were perhaps responsible for this popular misconception. During his political life too he was branded as ’the man who never smiles’. Even to his disciples who saw him only four times a year, he appeared grave and austere, yet with a quiet compassion which made him so lovable as a Guru.

When I wrote to him complaining that his ”Himalayan austerity and grandeur take my breath away, making my heart palpitate!” he replied: ”O rubbish! I am austere and grand, grim and stern! every blasted thing I never was! I groan in an un-Aurobindian despair when I hear such things. What has happened to the common sense of all of you people ? In order to reach the Overmind it is not at all necessary to take leave of this simple but useful quality. Common sense by the way is not logic (which is the least common sense-like thing in the world), it is simply looking at things as they are without inflation or deflation-—not imagining wild imaginations—or for that matter, despairing ’I know not why’ despairs.”

Book Details

Author: Nirodbaran
Print Length: 105p.
Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Submitted by: Avinash Tiwari
Book format: Pdf, ePub, Kindle
Language: English
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Companion to Vedic Verses in ‘The Life Divine’ – Vol. II by Mukund Ainapure

Companion to Vedic Verses in ‘The Life Divine’ – Vol. II

All the chapters of CWSA Volume 21 & 22 – The Life Divine – have, below the title, translated quotations from the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other Sanskrit texts. Sri Aurobindo called these quotations (or, chapter-opening epigraphs) “mottoes”.

The present volume provides the original Sanskrit verses from the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other Sanskrit texts in Devanagari (without accents), translated and cited by Sri Aurobindo in the “mottoes” in The Life Divine-II (CWSA Volume 22).

The compiler has provided the Padpātha (in Devanagari as well as Roman Transcrip-tion) under each verse in which all euphonic combinations (sandhi) are resolved into the original and separate words and even the components of compound words (samās) indi-cated; and matched each Sanskrit word in the Padpātha with the corresponding English word in the Translation using superscripts, followed by footnotes providing alternative meaning(s) of words and explanatory Notes based on Sri Aurobindo’s writings.

Book Details

Author: Mukund Ainapure
Print Length: 155
Publisher: Mukund Ainapure
Submitted by: Mukund Ainapure
Book format: Pdf
Language: English
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Companion to Vedic Verses in ‘The Life Divine’ – Vol. I by Mukund Ainapure

Companion to Vedic Verses in ‘The Life Divine’ – Vol. I

All the chapters of CWSA Volume 21 & 22 – The Life Divine – have, below the title, translated quotations from the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other Sanskrit texts. Sri Aurobindo called these quotations (or, chapter-opening epigraphs) “mottoes”.

The present volume provides the original Sanskrit verses from the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and other Sanskrit texts in Devanagari (without accents), translated and cited by Sri Aurobindo in the “mottoes” in The Life Divine-I (CWSA Volume 21).

The compiler has provided the Padpātha (in Devanagari as well as Roman Transcription) under each verse in which all euphonic combinations (sandhi) are resolved into the original and separate words and even the components of compound words (samās) indicated; and matched each Sanskrit word in the Padpātha with the corresponding English word in the Translation using superscripts, followed by footnotes providing alternative meaning(s) of words and explanatory Notes based on Sri Aurobindo’s writings.

Book Details

Author: Mukund Ainapure
Print Length: 221
Publisher: Mukund Anapure
Submitted by: Mukund Ainapure
Book format: Pdf
Language: English and Sanskrit
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With Sri Aurobindo in Baroda by Dinendra Kumar Roy

With Sri Aurobindo in Baroda

This is the first English translation of Aurobindo Prasanga (literally, “About Aurobindo”), a memoir by Dinendra Kumar Roy (1869-1943). A Bengali writer who was fairly well known during the first half of the last century, Dinendra Kumar lived with Sri Aurobindo in Baroda from 1898 to 1900 or 1901. The chapters making up this work first appeared in the journal Sahitya in Bengali year 1318 (1911-1912). More than a decade later, in 1923, they were brought out as a book. Some of Dinendra Kumar’s references to historical and literary figures are explained in editorial notes at the end of the translation.

Book Details

Author: Dinendra Kumar Roy

Print Length: 45 pages

Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English Read more

走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville


The Spirit of Auroville




英文内容和图片、小标题、排版:Olivier Barot

中文翻译:清宁 校对:倪慧

You say that Auroville is a dream. Yes, it is a “dream” of the Lord and generally, these “dreams” turn out to be true, much more true than the human so-called realities!

Texts in this book are selected from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. You can read the book while visiting the exhibition “The Spirit of Auroville” by following the serial numbers marked at the bottom of the exhibition panels. Exhibition Venue: Auroville Visitor’s Centre, next to the Information office.

Book Details

Author: the Mother

English text and picture selection: Olivier Barot

Chinese translation: Anandi Zhang

Proofreading: Ni Hui

Print Length: 64 pages

Book format: PDF

Language: English & Chinese

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On Chinese Wisdom

On Chinese Wisdom

This compilation is inspired by and offered to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who guide us by their Presence and example. It serves as a reference material for people who find it useful to learn and apply the wisdom in life. This is an age where each individual has a unique role to play, and each culture has an opportunity to radiate its full potential, beauty and fragrance in the world garden. May each one blossom like a flower, each in its own time, own way. May humanity aspire for and realise Unity in Diversity by unending education, constant progress and a youth that never ages.

Book Details

Author: Sri Aurobindo, the Mother

Compiler: Anandi Zhang

Print Length: 48 pages

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English Read more

A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo by Amrita

A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo

This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale told with honesty and ardor, has all the poignancy of a sensitive young Tamil Brahmin discovering a new way of life.

The Tamil text of the memoir was translated into English soon after it was written, and this translation (titled Old Long Since) was published in 1969 and 1995 as part of larger works. It is now being published for the first time (2015) as an independent book and has been given a new title, A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo. Further details are given in the Note on the Text at the end of the book.

Book Details

Author: Amrita

Print Length: 63 pages

Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English Read more

Guidance from Sri Aurobindo by Nagin Doshi

Guidance from Sri Aurobindo

Letters to a young disciple

In this series of selected letters we have Sri Aurobindo’s guidance to a boy in his late teens. The letters, no less illuminating for all their simplicity, cover a fairly large number of subjects. As their recipient grew up more and more, the subjects naturally increased in significance. The correspondence with Sri Aurobindo ran up to 1937.

A brief personal background to the correspondence:

“I came to Pondicherry in 1931 when I was about fourteen years old. In those days the Mother did not admit youngsters into the Ashram. It was only out of her kindness that she made an exception in the case of four children: Bala, Romen, Shanti and myself. We did not have a school here at that time, nor were there regular study classes. Before coming, my mind was occupied with only two things — study and cricket: they were my life and my world. I had almost decided to go to Europe and become a big doctor. I first visited the Ashram during my school vacation just for the sake of making a nice long journey, certainly not for taking up Yoga. I stayed for a month and returned in time for the reopening of my school. During that stay, what the Mother did within my being I could hardly fathom. But the result was that I returned home to stay for only two days, I hurried back here with the full realisation that I could not possibly live, either happily or unhappily, without the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Till 1933 I did not know what this strange thing called Yoga was. Hence the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were to me just like my own human mother and father. When the correspondence with Sri Aurobindo started, he had to teach me everything, not only what was meant by Yoga but also what culture, religion, philosophy and morality were. He used to correct my English, too, for quite a long time. Whatever I have gained in any way is a growth from the seeds he and the Mother sowed in me during those boyhood days.” – Nagin Doshi

Book Details

Author: Sri Aurobindo; Nagin Doshi

Print Length: 689 pages

Publisher: Sri Aurobindo Society

Book format: PDF, ePub, Kindle

Language: English Read more