T. Kodandarama Rao first met Sri Aurobindo in December 1920. A few months later he came to live near him in Pondicherry. He remained until 1924. After his return to Andhra Pradesh, he remained in contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and was present at many darshans. More than forty years after his departure from Pondicherry, Kodandarama Rao published his reminiscences under the title At the Feet of the Master. This little book is one of the few records we have of life during the early 1920s in what became the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/At-the-Feet-of-the-Master-cover350.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2022-03-05 08:33:422022-03-05 08:33:42At the Feet of the Master by T. Kodandarama Rao
This book is of reminiscences of Sahana who has been living in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram for more than 56 years at the feet of the Mother and the Master. It was originally written in Bengali. Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) was eager to publish an English translation in the Ashram’s Monthly Review of Culture, Mother India, edited by himself. At his request Nirodbaran kindly agreed to translate it. After everything had been arranged, the author sent to Mother India many more letters of Sri Aurobindo’s in answer to questions asked by her, which were not in the original Bengali book.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/At-the-Feet-of-the-Mother-and-Sri-Aurobindo-by-Sahana-Devi_350sq.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2022-02-06 03:32:492022-02-06 03:32:49At the Feet of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo by Sahana Devi
This book contains the Mother’s correspondence with twelve disciples: Dyuman, Champaklal, Dilip Kumar Roy, Tara Patel, Ambu, Parichand, Jayantilal, Prithwi Singh, Indra Sen, Surendranath Jauhar, Maude Smith, and Pradyot. A brief life sketch of the disciple precedes each correspondence, and the letters are presented in chronological order.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/New-Correspondences-of-the-Mother-1-Supplement-to-CWM-16-17_350sq.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2022-01-29 04:55:572024-08-25 14:04:09New Correspondences of the Mother – I
These visions and inner experiences recorded by Champaklal between 1978 and 1987 form the centerpiece of this book. Champaklal began seeing visions in 1929. This book presents six of those visions, including three extraordinary ones at the Matrimandir, which he visited a number of times while it was under construction. They are accompanied by introductory and background material related to Champaklal’s life and service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
The Mother’s life, from her birth and childhood. Diary notes and her meeting with Sri Aurobindo. The four aspects of the Mother. A look into The International Centre of Education. A Short Biography of the Mother.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/m-bio-350sq.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2022-01-16 04:32:562022-01-16 04:32:56The Mother: A Short Biography by Wilfried Huchzermeyer
This is the Eighth Volume of the English of Savitri series, based on transcripts of classes led by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from 29 March to 3 May 2012 and from 12 September 2019 to 27 February 2020. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the courses. This volume contains detailed explanations of the texts of three cantos of Book Two of Sri Aurobindo’s epic, namely Canto Seven, The Descent into Night, Canto Eight, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness, and Canto Nine, The Paradise of the Life-Gods. Each sentence is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence- structure and imagery. The aim is to assist a deeper understanding and appreciation of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-English-of-Savitri-Volume-8-cover_350sq.png350350Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2021-12-05 05:33:352023-12-10 11:35:32The English of Savitri Volume 8
Like the previous books in this series, this one too is based on transcripts of classes held by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from August 2011 to March 2012. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the course. This Seventh Volume covers Cantos Five and Six of Book Two of Sri Aurobindo’s epic, Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol. Each sentence of these cantos is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence-structure and imagery. The aim is to assist understanding of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-English-of-Savitri-Volume-7-cover_350sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2021-12-05 05:14:272023-12-10 11:37:10The English of Savitri Volume 7
Poetizing Spirit – a booklet of reflections that may open the reader to the subtle realm of intuitive vision where the spirit of poetry echoes in the riverbed of Time by Rod Hemsell. Free pdf book. (Provided by Auro e-Books)
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rod-Hemsell-Poetizing-Spirit-cover250sq.png250250Krishna V.http://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngKrishna V.2021-08-26 01:44:592021-08-26 05:30:56Poetizing Spirit by Rod Hemsell
In these reminiscences, Nolini Kanta Gupta recounts the highlights of his eventful life — his transition from student to revolutionary to a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The memoirs first appeared in English translation in 1969 under the title Reminiscences.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Nolini-Reminiscences-cover-250sq.gif250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2021-01-17 15:29:052022-04-04 05:32:18Reminiscences by Nolini Kanta Gupta
This is the first English translation of Aurobindo Prasanga (literally, “About Aurobindo”), a memoir by Dinendra Kumar Roy (1869-1943). A Bengali writer who was fairly well known during the first half of the last century, Dinendra Kumar lived with Sri Aurobindo in Baroda from 1898 to 1900 or 1901. The chapters making up this work first appeared in the journal Sahitya in Bengali year 1318 (1911-1912). More than a decade later, in 1923, they were brought out as a book. Some of Dinendra Kumar’s references to historical and literary figures are explained in editorial notes at the end of the translation.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Dinendra-Kumar-Roy-With-Sri-Aurobindo-in-Baroda-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-12-28 01:25:072020-12-30 10:25:45With Sri Aurobindo in Baroda by Dinendra Kumar Roy
O Soul, My Soul! 3 essays written by Dr. Indra Sen: O Soul, My Soul! – An essay on the goals of education as The Mother and Sri Aurobindo defined them. Dr Indra Sen also reflects on the Ashram School students answers to the question ‘What does your soul look like?’. Finding The Soul – […]
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Indra-Sen-O-Soul-My-Soul_250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-11-29 12:58:282021-02-20 23:48:00O Soul, My Soul! by Indra Sen
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Spirit-of-Auroville-Chinese-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-11-14 15:40:582024-08-17 03:05:28走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville
This book deals with the healing by different Alternative medicine therapies along with presenting a few case studies and combines the author’s experiences with Sri Aurobindo’s yoga of transformation ( both the physical body and the earth ). It narrates about the three stages of the matter in three separate sections through Psychicisation, Spiritualisation and Supramentalisation. Especially the joining of the spiritualism with science is a very rare factor for the younger enthusiastic mass. The synthesis of the old traditional yoga and the modern integral yoga opens a new angle for the spiritual seekers. And the inquisitive research persons can also find out a way to know about cell transmutation from Quantum Physics and Medical Science, which reveals the secrets of physical transformation as well as the immortal cells. The most uncommon thing is the ‘psychic discovery within the physical body’, which tells about the soul’s presence within the body described as ‘chaitya purusha’ in Veda and interpreted as psychic being by Sri Aurobindo. How in Pondicherry ashram The Mother and Sri Aurobindo were united to do this work and left their bodies there too is an additional attraction. This book is really a masterpiece.
This compilation is inspired by and offered to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who guide us by their Presence and example. It serves as a reference material for people who find it useful to learn and apply the wisdom in life. This is an age where each individual has a unique role to play, and each culture has an opportunity to radiate its full potential, beauty and fragrance in the world garden. May each one blossom like a flower, each in its own time, own way. May humanity aspire for and realise Unity in Diversity by unending education, constant progress and a youth that never ages.
This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale told with honesty and ardor, has all the poignancy of a sensitive young Tamil Brahmin discovering a new way of life.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Amrita-A-Pilgrimage-to-Sri-Aurobindo-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-08-16 03:29:272020-08-16 03:30:11A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo by Amrita
This book provides a concise and detailed summary of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and yoga while focusing on one of its main themes: the spiritual evolution of the soul. It covers essential ideas in the philosophy such as the nature of the Divine and its relation to the universe, the processes of involution and evolution, the relation of the soul and nature, the processes of karma and rebirth, the evolution of societies, the main principles and practices of the Integral Yoga, the psychic, spiritual, and supramental transformations of consciousness, and the concept and realization of the superman, the intermediary between the human and the supramental being. It concludes with a consideration of the validity and relevance of the philosophy and yoga for contemporary life.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Larry-Seidlitz-The-Spiritual-Evolution-of-the-Soul-cover1500.png15001500Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-08-16 02:22:392023-04-17 14:52:52The Spiritual Evolution of the Soul by Larry Seidlitz
In The First and Last Freedom J. Krishnamurti cuts away symbols and false associations in the search for pure truth and perfect freedom. Through discussions on suffering, fear, gossip, sex and other topics, Krishnamurti’s quest becomes the readers, an undertaking of tremendous significance. A second part (“Questions and Answers”) consists of 38 named segments, taken from question-and-answer sessions between Krishnamurti and his audience; the segments broadly pertain to the topics covered in the book’s first part.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jiddu-Krishnamurti-The-First-And-Last-Freedom-250sq.png250250Website Visitorhttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngWebsite Visitor2020-08-05 01:48:072023-01-19 19:56:01The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti
Most of the pieces in Bengali were written by Sri Aurobindo in 1909 and 1910 for Dharma, a Calcutta weekly he edited at that time; the material consists chiefly of brief political, social and cultural works. His reminiscences of detention in Alipore Jail for one year (“Tales of Prison Life”) are also included. There is also some correspondence with Bengali disciples living in his ashram.
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Guidance-from-Sri-Aurobindo250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-07-26 02:57:482020-08-16 03:13:55Guidance from Sri Aurobindo by Nagin Doshi
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Lotus-Mountain-Poems-2020-sq250.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-07-05 07:28:112020-07-16 23:21:29Lotus Mountain by Rod Hemsell
https://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Poems-of-Devotion-and-Stillness-cover250sq.png250250Auro e-Bookshttp://auro-ebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/auro-ebooks-logo.pngAuro e-Books2020-07-05 07:27:152020-07-05 10:38:41Poems of Devotion and Stillness by Rod Hemsell
At the Feet of the Master by T. Kodandarama Rao
T. Kodandarama Rao first met Sri Aurobindo in December 1920. A few months later he came to live near him in Pondicherry. He remained until 1924. After his return to Andhra Pradesh, he remained in contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, and was present at many darshans. More than forty years after his departure from Pondicherry, Kodandarama Rao published his reminiscences under the title At the Feet of the Master. This little book is one of the few records we have of life during the early 1920s in what became the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
At the Feet of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo by Sahana Devi
This book is of reminiscences of Sahana who has been living in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram for more than 56 years at the feet of the Mother and the Master. It was originally written in Bengali. Amal Kiran (K. D. Sethna) was eager to publish an English translation in the Ashram’s Monthly Review of Culture, Mother India, edited by himself. At his request Nirodbaran kindly agreed to translate it. After everything had been arranged, the author sent to Mother India many more letters of Sri Aurobindo’s in answer to questions asked by her, which were not in the original Bengali book.
New Correspondences of the Mother – I
This book contains the Mother’s correspondence with twelve disciples: Dyuman, Champaklal, Dilip Kumar Roy, Tara Patel, Ambu, Parichand, Jayantilal, Prithwi Singh, Indra Sen, Surendranath Jauhar, Maude Smith, and Pradyot. A brief life sketch of the disciple precedes each correspondence, and the letters are presented in chronological order.
Visions of Champaklal
These visions and inner experiences recorded by Champaklal between 1978 and 1987 form the centerpiece of this book. Champaklal began seeing visions in 1929. This book presents six of those visions, including three extraordinary ones at the Matrimandir, which he visited a number of times while it was under construction. They are accompanied by introductory and background material related to Champaklal’s life and service to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
The Mother: A Short Biography by Wilfried Huchzermeyer
The Mother’s life, from her birth and childhood. Diary notes and her meeting with Sri Aurobindo. The four aspects of the Mother. A look into The International Centre of Education. A Short Biography of the Mother.
The English of Savitri Volume 8
This is the Eighth Volume of the English of Savitri series, based on transcripts of classes led by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from 29 March to 3 May 2012 and from 12 September 2019 to 27 February 2020. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the courses. This volume contains detailed explanations of the texts of three cantos of Book Two of Sri Aurobindo’s epic, namely Canto Seven, The Descent into Night, Canto Eight, The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness, and Canto Nine, The Paradise of the Life-Gods. Each sentence is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence- structure and imagery. The aim is to assist a deeper understanding and appreciation of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
The English of Savitri Volume 7
Like the previous books in this series, this one too is based on transcripts of classes held by the author at Savitri Bhavan, in this case from August 2011 to March 2012. The transcripts have been carefully revised and edited for conciseness and clarity, while aiming to preserve the informal atmosphere of the course. This Seventh Volume covers Cantos Five and Six of Book Two of Sri Aurobindo’s epic, Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol. Each sentence of these cantos is examined closely and explanations are given about vocabulary, sentence-structure and imagery. The aim is to assist understanding of the poem which the Mother has characterised as ‘the supreme revelation of Sri Aurobindo’s vision’.
Poetizing Spirit by Rod Hemsell
Poetizing Spirit – a booklet of reflections that may open the reader to the subtle realm of intuitive vision where the spirit of poetry echoes in the riverbed of Time by Rod Hemsell. Free pdf book. (Provided by Auro e-Books)
Reminiscences by Nolini Kanta Gupta
In these reminiscences, Nolini Kanta Gupta recounts the highlights of his eventful life — his transition from student to revolutionary to a disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The memoirs first appeared in English translation in 1969 under the title Reminiscences.
With Sri Aurobindo in Baroda by Dinendra Kumar Roy
This is the first English translation of Aurobindo Prasanga (literally, “About Aurobindo”), a memoir by Dinendra Kumar Roy (1869-1943). A Bengali writer who was fairly well known during the first half of the last century, Dinendra Kumar lived with Sri Aurobindo in Baroda from 1898 to 1900 or 1901. The chapters making up this work first appeared in the journal Sahitya in Bengali year 1318 (1911-1912). More than a decade later, in 1923, they were brought out as a book. Some of Dinendra Kumar’s references to historical and literary figures are explained in editorial notes at the end of the translation.
O Soul, My Soul! by Indra Sen
O Soul, My Soul! 3 essays written by Dr. Indra Sen: O Soul, My Soul! – An essay on the goals of education as The Mother and Sri Aurobindo defined them. Dr Indra Sen also reflects on the Ashram School students answers to the question ‘What does your soul look like?’. Finding The Soul – […]
走进黎明之城 – The Spirit of Auroville
Healing Experiences
This book deals with the healing by different Alternative medicine therapies along with presenting a few case studies and combines the author’s experiences with Sri Aurobindo’s yoga of transformation ( both the physical body and the earth ). It narrates about the three stages of the matter in three separate sections through Psychicisation, Spiritualisation and Supramentalisation. Especially the joining of the spiritualism with science is a very rare factor for the younger enthusiastic mass. The synthesis of the old traditional yoga and the modern integral yoga opens a new angle for the spiritual seekers. And the inquisitive research persons can also find out a way to know about cell transmutation from Quantum Physics and Medical Science, which reveals the secrets of physical transformation as well as the immortal cells. The most uncommon thing is the ‘psychic discovery within the physical body’, which tells about the soul’s presence within the body described as ‘chaitya purusha’ in Veda and interpreted as psychic being by Sri Aurobindo. How in Pondicherry ashram The Mother and Sri Aurobindo were united to do this work and left their bodies there too is an additional attraction. This book is really a masterpiece.
On Chinese Wisdom
This compilation is inspired by and offered to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother who guide us by their Presence and example. It serves as a reference material for people who find it useful to learn and apply the wisdom in life. This is an age where each individual has a unique role to play, and each culture has an opportunity to radiate its full potential, beauty and fragrance in the world garden. May each one blossom like a flower, each in its own time, own way. May humanity aspire for and realise Unity in Diversity by unending education, constant progress and a youth that never ages.
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo by Amrita
This book is a translation of a memoir written in Tamil by K. Amrita, an early disciple of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Amrita recounts the story of his childhood and student life, but always his central concern is his relationship with Sri Aurobindo and his efforts to come closer to him. Amrita’s tale told with honesty and ardor, has all the poignancy of a sensitive young Tamil Brahmin discovering a new way of life.
The Spiritual Evolution of the Soul by Larry Seidlitz
This book provides a concise and detailed summary of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and yoga while focusing on one of its main themes: the spiritual evolution of the soul. It covers essential ideas in the philosophy such as the nature of the Divine and its relation to the universe, the processes of involution and evolution, the relation of the soul and nature, the processes of karma and rebirth, the evolution of societies, the main principles and practices of the Integral Yoga, the psychic, spiritual, and supramental transformations of consciousness, and the concept and realization of the superman, the intermediary between the human and the supramental being. It concludes with a consideration of the validity and relevance of the philosophy and yoga for contemporary life.
The First and Last Freedom by J. Krishnamurti
In The First and Last Freedom J. Krishnamurti cuts away symbols and false associations in the search for pure truth and perfect freedom. Through discussions on suffering, fear, gossip, sex and other topics, Krishnamurti’s quest becomes the readers, an undertaking of tremendous significance. A second part (“Questions and Answers”) consists of 38 named segments, taken from question-and-answer sessions between Krishnamurti and his audience; the segments broadly pertain to the topics covered in the book’s first part.
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo by Nagin Doshi
Most of the pieces in Bengali were written by Sri Aurobindo in 1909 and 1910 for Dharma, a Calcutta weekly he edited at that time; the material consists chiefly of brief political, social and cultural works. His reminiscences of detention in Alipore Jail for one year (“Tales of Prison Life”) are also included. There is also some correspondence with Bengali disciples living in his ashram.
Lotus Mountain by Rod Hemsell
Lotus Mountain – a collection of poems, written during the past ten years by Rod Hemsell. Free pdf book. (Provided by Auro e-Books)
Poems of Devotion and Stillness by Rod Hemsell
Poems of Devotion and Stillness – a collection of poems, written by Rod Hemsell. Free pdf book. (Provided by Auro e-Books)